The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Hi all
I am in today for my first fast of the week. Soon to eat a small lunch of tomatoes and cucumbers with capers for a bit of flavour.
Anyone else in today?

@MerryMelb Cheering you on! Hope it's been a good day so far :) Mine is tomorrow...
I'm in today as well! I have a piece of fish and some broccoli for dinner tonight. I may make a small pot veg soup today as it's fairly low calorie and I have all of the ingredients on hand.

I was a wee bit out of control over the weekend, between celebrating my father's 70th birthday and my husband *finally* getting the promotion he had been promised last April. But I was able to pull myself together yesterday and have a much more reasonable day at about 1000 calories.
I'm not exactly fasting today, but I've gotten out of my eating windows habit and am trying to get back into it! So I need to try to not eat until noon. And since I have a day off from work, it's even harder. I'm going to really resist though. I plan to run a few errands soon, so hopefully that will keep me busy and away from food!!
I am definitely fasting today as well. Had a little bit of a rough (food-wise) weekend at camping, and with no loss at all last week, I'm up 1.2lbs and need to focus again! I'm making my fast day easy by getting up a little later, don't bring anything to eat to work, so, when I get home, I'll have my big spinach/chicken/avocado salad and I should be good!

Good luck to everyone else fasting! (lol, I almost typed 'starving' in stead of 'fasting')
Hope you all went okay! :clover: :smile:

It is very quiet again on the forum...
Good to see some members of the Tuesday team active. Did not fast today as I am still at the lower end of my maintenance range without fasting. Must be burning some more calories to keep me warm in winter and do some skating as well.
Keep up the good work folks :smile:
Well I made it until noon and was done by 7! I didn't eat the best things in between, but one step at a time, right?
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