The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Yes, and we're off with the Tuesday crew. Hope you will join me in a celebration of this wonderful way of life :grin:
Have a happy fastday!
OMG you are so positive what a pleasure to read this. I am fasting today for the first time in weeks and am so happy to be doing this as well. Am fasting Tuesday and Thursday this week..... Happy fasting to eveyone too :grin: :lol:
I am in today a Tues, Thurs for me this week due to bank holiday Monday and hubs birthday on Friday.
Feels strange but being off work for half term its sometimes easier for me to do a really good one at home,
Good luck everyone,
Yep I'm joining in the fun today :) ADF is suiting me pretty well oddly enough.

Best of luck guys and gals, and hope its not too hot where you are!
I'm in today too - good luck all!
I'm in today after a calorific bank holiday weekend
Good luck everyone :like:
I am in today after a successful first week back. I wasn't even as rigid as I wanted to be on my two fast days, but I still dropped 1.5# - that includes a holiday barbecue. I am re-motivated and happy to join you today. Good luck everyone! :heart:
I'm in today. Also after a calorific long weekend.

Hungry today and I know it's all the sugar I ate over the weekend. Have a headache too, I've drank lots of water too.

Looking forward to my one meal around 7.30.

Good luck
I'm in today. I only had 1 meal yesterday, but it was a big one that included ice cream for dessert. I didn't have the courage to put everything into MyFitnessPal. I'd rather be ignorant to yesterday's calorie intake :razz:
I'm being good today. Hoping to not go way over the 500-cal limit.

Good luck to everyone.
Tiny team here on Tuesdays! I fasted today because yesterday I went to a festival where people in booths shoved free food into my hands all day. Not conducive to a fast day!
Today was very successful. Just a grilled fish filet and a big tossed salad. Now that it's a few hours later I'm quite hungry, but I shall go to bed soon and try to feel virtuous instead of starving as I go to sleep!
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