The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

15 posts Page 1 of 1
Well here I am, for my third fast this year. I've got my green tea beside me and now all I need is for the day to go by pretty quickly! Not sure what I'm going to have this evening - watch this space!
Am I alone?
Bean xx
Hello @Nursebean! I hope your fast is going well. Good on you.
I am just sitting down to evening meal, after having a food free day - just tea. I usually have some miso soup at lunch, but work got in the way today. Dinner is 2 Quorn burgers and lots of veg, followed by some pear with a dollop of yogurt.
nursebean wrote: Well here I am, for my third fast this year. I've got my green tea beside me and now all I need is for the day to go by pretty quickly! Not sure what I'm going to have this evening - watch this space!
Am I alone?
Bean xx

Good luck bean, I'm in tomorrow.
I'm in today as well Bean, my first in ages. I decided yesterday that I don't want to be this fat person any more and that it was time to to something about it- so here I am. I have kept busy gardening and having muddy fingers is a distinct benefit when it come to avoiding snacks. Home made low cal soup for lunch and the old standby Prawn salad for dinner.
Good to see I've not bean alone @SianS sounds as though you've managed to keep occupied very well! I was a bit foolish in that I went to Waitrose ! Crazy huh?! Anyway, I bought a child's Lasagne and I'll add some veg to that - plus later I'll have Weetabix! I may go over 500 slightly - but I don't think it'll matter too much - will it?!
Hello buddy @carrieoates - good luck with fasting tomorrow. Will that be your second of the week?
And @MerryMelb sounds as though you had a great fast - well done!
Bean xx
Hiii beano and all fellow fasters! We all sound very focused!
Nearly dindins time and so far only had water and two tiny china cups of tea,hardly any milk.
Feels good to be back in the saddle,clippety clop!
It's Candy! Yay! How wonderful to see you here! Ooh it's almost dindin time. Kids' lasagne and loads of courgettes - here I come! (Got a bad feeling about this Lasagne! ;-) )
Good luck everyone
Bean xx
Hi @nursebean and @CandiceMarie, I'm at that awkward time when I could happily eat the kitchen table, but its a bit early for husband and son to have dinner, so I'm pottering around on her killing time .......
Oh @SiansS make the most of it and string it out as long as you can - I find once I've eaten I'm more hungry than ever! ;-)
I've just had my lasagne. It wasn't too bad actually - just needed a tad more seasoning!
I will be going over 500 cals today - nearer 600 - hey ho!
Enjoy your fast-break!
Bean xx
Hey! At the last moment I pulled it back - only 461 cals used - GOAL!!
Bean xx
How did it go everybody,hope we all made it thru x
Well done @nursebean x
@sianS i know that could eat anything feel! I feel sure you were able to hang on in tho! like:
I had an easy fast day...400 cals tops ...but going to bed now quite hungry. ..but i know i'll wake not hungry and feeling so much better! X why cant every fast day go smoothly :confused: x
@carieoates good luck for a Wonderful Wednesday fast x :like:
@Candicemarie?!! WELL DONE! 400 calories?! Why, you blew me out of the water!! Hope its done you the world of good. I always feel good the day after a fast - don't you?
Will any of you Tuesday fasters be joining me on Thursday?
Bean xx
Hi @nursebeanyes my system feels very soothed this morning and i am not at all hungry
Well done for yesterday,you did great also, and i will be joining you tomorrow xx :like:
Hey Candy! @CandicemarieGreat to hear you'll be joining me tomorrow - at least I won't be lonely now!! ;-)
Isn't it strange how you don't feel hungry after a fast? Bizarre
Hope you're enjoying food today!
Bean xx
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