The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Well I looked, looked a bit more and looked again and I couldn't find a link for fasting today. Surely I'm not the only Fasting Bean am I? :shock:
I'm having a sort of fast day as I had a funny tummy in the night. :sick: :poop: ( sorry TMI)
I'm here but just about to go out in the garden as it's so nice and sunny. Maybe everyone is taking advantage of a sunny day ( in UK at least)
I'm in, I'm in!
Cup of coffee #2 is underway and I hope I can wait until 11 to have a little lunch. Since I'm not doing a workout this morning, I'll skip my protein shake and have a light lunch instead. I'm going to subsist on eggs today.....low carb and low cal.

Have a good day Fasters!
Go forth and fast wellWednesday Wonders! X
No sunshine here in East Anglia just got mist and cloud. Think we shall miss the eclipse as well due to cloud :frown:
Chick pic
I am joining you. Been. Bit busy at work with our easter chicks hatching.
I am in today too. The Equinox challenge is officially a bust for me. I'll be lucky to drop the 1.5 pounds I gained OVERNIGHT!!! Too many carbs/ sugar yesterday the culprits for sure.
Coffee, miso, my usual standbys coming up. Good luck all. :clover: :like:

ps - small rant - SO SICK OF THIS %$@# WINTER. It's official - coldest Jan. to Mar. in over 100 years :curse: ..and -11C AGAIN today :cry:..rant over, slinks away....
Oh my, @judithn! You have my sympathies. One of the coldest weathers here in Michigan and we are up to 41degF today and sunny. I was just out sweeping my back porch in short sleeves. It felt just a bit brisk to me. Amazing how we adapt. But -11deg in March? No.

I'm in for a fast today. On my second cup of coffee today. I'm running an experiment in using coconut milk in my coffee rather than the non-dairy creamer, as I've come to think of it "laboratory milk", which tastes divine but is so unhealthy. The coffee is just shy of being black but I can get it down so will try to make a habit of it. I know it adds calories I should be counting but there is enough fat in the little that I add that it fills me up. Yesterday was a feast day, but I added more than I needed of the coconut milk and felt like I had eaten a meal after 1/2 the cup.

So... 2 cups coffee + sun + 41deg F = energy^2 I'm hoping to get a lot done today. :Good luck to us all! :clover:
I'm in!
Back to back fasts for me today and tomorrow. I prefer Monday and Tuesday, but this week got messed up. That's what's so great about 5:2. If one day doesn't work, make it work for you.
I'm doing low cal/low carb both days. Lots of milky tea, etc.
Successful fast day.

:clover: to those with more hours to go.
I'm in as well! Just had my second half of my protein that I was hoping I wouldn't need, but I got hungry today. I should be good until dinnertime. I haven't had anymore headaches since fast #4 so I'm pretty happy about that. Good luck to all fasting today.
Hi, Wednesday fasters! Any that come back to check out the end of the thread, that is. I've never been here. My usual fast day is Monday, when there's always a huge crowd on the daily thread. But I've been creeping over my maintenance weight the last couple of weeks, so I added a fast day today. A piece of roasted chicken, slice of nice heavy rye bread, and a big tossed salad for dinner. That's it. I think it was a bit harder doing two fast days with just a day between, than the Monday and Thurs I used to do while in the losing phase. But now it's bedtime, so I'll lie down and ignore my rumbling tummy!
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