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Fasting today?

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7 posts Page 1 of 1
So I am fasting today.
Already woke up slightly hungry, not a good sign. Sigh.
And I have to cook tonight, that's even worse. I hope I succeed!

Hi justmeg67! Don't despair--some days it just seems like a lot of work! Other days are so easy you can't believe it. Just do the best you can. Sometimes I don't make 500 cals (or even 600 cals) and just call it okay. Sometimes I have just decided that today (whatever day that is :lol: ) is NOT my fast day. Tomorrow is my fast day. And then I proceed accordingly, trying just to have a nice, healthy food day. I eat tasty stuff I really like, paying attention to how it tastes and stopping when I feel almost satisfied. I then have something hot to drink--coffee or tea, usually, and go away and get busy for awhile. I have even been known to go to bed early :oops: (Rare!) Just be kind to yourself and remember that "Perfection is the enemy of good." (can't remember who said it, but sooooo true!)
You are rushing ahead of me: Mar. 2 there, Mar.1 here in Nevada. I am just celebrating hitting my Family Fitness/Diet Challenge goal of losing 3 lbs. in February. It is funny, but last October and December, when I was trying to lose, I just couldn't seem to do it. This time is going much easier. I guess my mind and body are finally ready to, hopefully, find that "all is good" spot. :cool: :clover: to ya!
Thanks bordergirl!
Can't fast tomorrow, so it had to be today. :smile:
So far I am doing not too bad, and I bet I'll go to bed early - I always do on fasting days!
My partner is always expecting me to jump out of bed 1 minute past midnight to get something to eat. Naa, won't do that!
Have to do some cleaning, that will keep myself busy.
And then continue crocheting my curtain and craft a card for my dad's birthday. Sounds like a good plan! :grin:
HI @justme67. I've bee with you today. I had a pear for breakfast, a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and tuna for lunch and it's another salad for dinner: green beans, tomatoes, eggs, basil. I'm starving now. I won't be fasting for the next 2 weeks because I am going away on a holiday to Sydney and Canberra. So I better do a good one today. I am about to go into the kitchen to bottle tomatoes so I hope I don't find it too difficult. OH is cutting up pears for the dehydrator. It's all on in the garden at them moment. I hope your day went well. There'll be another one!
Thanks, Sallyo!
I had my broth and a bite of Parmesan Cheese. And a few teaspoons of my Bolognese that I am cooking for my better half.
I can cook my Bolognese with my eyes closed but I can't not try it... *g*
Should still be well under 500 cal.
I am drinking like mad (and running to the bathroom all the time).

What else are you growing? I still need to start my veggie patch... well, we need to clear some space in the garden and build the beds first. I also would like a bunch of fruit trees... I wanted to grow red currants but it's not cold enough up here... wish I could at least find some at the stores.
Hi @justme67. We have a huge fruit and veggie garden - far too big for us at the moment! We can grow red currants down here. At the moment we are harvesting: tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, beetroot, carrots, lettuce, basil, beans, pears, plums and apples. Soon to come are quinces, persimmons, hazelnuts and walnuts. We have lemons all year. We grow a lot of different berries but they have finished now. We also have chooks and pigeons which we grow for meat as well as eggs, of course.
I have got to the end of the day. I shouldn't have had any fruit salad and custard but the OH offered and I found myself saying ok. It was just the custard. Fruit salad would probably have been ok. It's that 4 - 6 period that kills me. I have to find a better way. Tonight I was breaking out after I went into the kitchen; cookies.
Hi Sallyo,

wow, that's a lot of work! We are on one acre but still planning the garden... I think we need to talk to someone with experience first...
I just had a few more teaspoons Bolognese, no pasta. So I think it was pretty good.
Now I think I'm gonna hit the pillow... and I'm looking forward to my breakfast!
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