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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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Who is fasting today?

I managed to fast until 5pm and hope to keep the eating for the rest of the day to "light" (about half my normal amount of daily calorie requirement). A busy day - and lovely weather - is what has made this possible. :smile:

Best wishes to other fasters. :clover:
Dear Sassy, I am also having a very busy day. And I am so happy you started this thread. :smile: I am also fasting with you. After eating yesterday my weight was 67.6 kg, so a bit different from the same old 67.5 kg.. Tomorrow morning I'll find out what it will be after today's fasting. :razz:
Dear @Margotsylvia

How did you go? I did end up eating a bit more than half my usual daily cal allowance, but I had had a more active day so hope that compensated!

I do hope that the reduction in your medication will help you start to lose the weight, given such dedication as you show with fasting. You have said that you don't find fasting difficult - do you have any particular tips for others?

Best wishes! :clover: :smile:
my fast went OK. This morning I weighed 66.9kg, That is a new number for my weight, in the 66 range :grin: . So I am very pleased. The trouble is though, that I am going away these two week ends in a row, and cannot fast in either situation. So my weight will probably rise again. But 'plodding on' is my watch word. Sassy, the more you fast the easier it becomes. That is my only tip. I am in a way actually looking forward to my fasting days. But I DO like eating too!!! :doh:
Hi @Margotsylvia

Certainly initially fasting became easier with time/ practice, but I found that after a couple of years I really didn't want to fast any more, as I couldn't stand being hungry in the evening (500 cals doesn't fill me) and now it is only rarely that I can manage a 500cal day. As I have mentioned elsewhere... Even keeping the cals to 1000 is not easy for me a lot of the time. I have to keep VERY busy ALL day. :frown: :frown: :razz: (It could partially be due to me exercising a lot more than I was most days, so my body wants more food?)

To be able to manage regular fast days for years seems amazing to me. You presumably haven't tired of them? Do you not feel hungry in the evening? Or have you found a way to cope with that?
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