I might be fasting today... So far I haven't eaten anything (it is just gone lunchtime) but I will see how I go. I haven't fasted for at least (?) 2 weeks - can't remember the last fast. Ideally, I don't want to have to have fast days anymore, but will if there is a need (ie overindulging the day before). I have recently returned from a 10-day holiday where I ate what and when I wanted, but on the whole did not go overboard and was doing a lot of exercise (quite strenuous walks) which balanced the food intake. I think. However, I wasn't so "good" on the return trip or since arriving home, so perhaps a fast is in order...

Best wishes to anyone else fasting! Especially those of you going for 40 hours on liquids only!! Even though I started fast days over 3 years ago, I have never even managed 24 hours without food.