The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

16 posts Page 1 of 2
Well thought I'd check in, seem to be the only 1 down under, probably a few tomorrowers joining in later. I've had coffee, mini protein bar, salad for lunch, now a cup of tea...or as Frost says 'a bloody good cup of tea' :razz: will have a few strawberries later if I feel like it. At about 400 cals, so bit left for emergencies. Good luck all.
I have just come onto forum. @GMH all the best
GMH, you aren't alone today, I am fasting after a big day of carbs yesterday and feeling a little bloated. I am back home Tuesday so I had to rearrange things a bit around fasting this week. Going for a liquid only one again today.
@Debs I have had 2 days of massive carbs, beer, fries @ Patonga pub, plus toast for bfst, curry with roti. Nothing like gluttony to make u stick to a fast LOL!
Morning all.
I'm in today, first of three as usual. Hope there are more of us today; Friday was very quiet and I don't think there was a saturday thread :shock:
I have also had a bit of a carbfest. Made ciabatta yesterday and battenburg (for my b'day @CandiceMarie tomorrow, but had to eat the trimmings and samosas and and and- you know how it is.
So, despite not usually feeling any different with carbs, post travel and lurghi, I am feeling the breeks a bit nippit (trousers slightly snug ;) )
Aiming for a good fast of nothing until tea time then the poached eggs. Still undecided as to wether to have toast or foul mesdames. I'll decide later.
Good luck fellow fasters. See you on the other side!
Yes @janeg I sometimes wonder if there are many fasters left, people mostly doing other stuff now maybe?
I reckon it is just the quiet Sunday, not a popular day, let's face it!!
No @Debs I meant all days, not like last year, when I was losing first time around, heaps of people on each thread. Maybe people just don't bother posting if they are fasting?
I'm in instead of tomorrow. After a lazy morning I've just been asked about eating breakfast/brunch, and thought as I'm not hungry, might as well swap days.
Tonight, I'll have the 5:2 dahl soup that I've been having rather a lot lately, but I do like it! I put broccoli in it as it gives it more chew than spinach.
On the subject of it being quiet, I wonder if the tents contribute to that. When the forum was less tidy, and people started threads frequently, I would read each new thread, whereas now it just looks like the same old threads going round and round, and even though they might be interesting, I don't always read them. But I still read new threads!
Good luck sunday fasters xx
Yes good luck you Sunday fasters!

Ooh, a very happy birthday for tomorrow @janeg - hope you have a smashing day!

Also, what, pray, are "foul mesdames" when they are at home??!!

Have I been missing out on something scrummy all my life?

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Well, I'm in and a regular Sunday faster. Only decision is rather it's a water fast day or a regular 500 cal fast day.
It is true that the forum is quieter overall than this time last year. :?: ...not sure if it's the new format ( now 4 months old) or just that fewer people are starting this WOL or if the old timers are either successful and don't need the forum anymore or "failed" (hate that word) and ashamed to keep coming back.

For now, black coffee, Sunday paper and this forum. Good luck everyone :clover: :like: :clover: :heart:
@hazelnut20 I am agog too about foul mesdames! Please tell us @janeg x
@Hazelnut20 and @CandiceMarieFoul mesdames are broad beans done in a variety of sauces depending on the region. I buy them in a tin- they are dirt cheap here.
The ones I buy just have a bit of cumin flavouring, but hte Egyptian ones are in a tomato and cumin sauce, the Saudi ones have chickpeas in it.
They are eaten for breakfast a with boiled eggs and garnished with different things, again depending on region. Chopped parsley, finely chopped onion, chilli , lemon juice(if you're that way inclined).
Very yummy...
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