We'll be busy. I'm driving to collect one of our grandsons to stay 2 nights for a "surprise treat"and he's posing leading questions - terribly excited. But he has no idea what we're doing tomorrow till we get there. We are laying red herrings e.g. " remember your binoculars" ,"bring your cycling helmet" and he might think it's a bird-watching/ biking trip. It's an air show tomorrow, plus he'll be having a helicopter ride with my OH, (+ healthy picnic plus a statutory ice cream, hurray for this WOE!) Lots to see and marvel at in good weather too!
Fasting today will be ok, he's used to it as his parents live this way routinely. I find fasting easier in the hot weather and drink a lot of fizzy water all day. Salmon and salad tonight! True weight loss would be great but I'm thinking while fasting for repair is a matter of course, weight loss will eventually happen. I still like to clock in for support.