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Fasting today?

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Fasting today Sunday April 28th
27 Apr 2013, 21:16
Morning fasters (oops most typed faters :razz: ), here we go again! Early rise - thanks dogs - will go for a walk over the cliffs to Pearl Beach with a friend and the dogs, come back and have 'souper' for breakfast. Lots of water and coffee to stave off the hunger pangs. Then I'll get stuck into doing a bit of work around the house to get my mind off food. I will then cook up and freeze more 'souper'. I will also get on my Hypervibe machine in the hope of tightening up the flab :bugeyes: What will you all be doing today to keep busy if fasting?

I will do ADF this week (well normally, Sun/Tues/Thurs) but this week add Sat as I have friends up for lunch next Sunday. My weight loss has slowed to a dribble so I am hoping to kick start it with this and being better planned on my feed days - have cooked up some veg/lentil/chick pea/bean/coconut cream curry and frozen...comes in at about 400 cals, so a nice healthy dinner if I get carried away during the day.

All in all I'm ready for a healthy week. Good luck everyone.
Am I the only one fasting today? Ah well mine is going brilliantly. Beautiful day of 27C!! Amazing for the end of April, but we are not complaining. Only a couple of hours to go till dinner - I managed to hold off my souper till 1.30pm. Have walked the dogs, visited friends, done some gardening ie hacked down a bush - put up the bamboo fence (yeah pretty dodgy might fall over in a strong wind ;>) Now I will walk the dogs again and then my day is pretty much done.
Morning GMH
not on your own Sunday is my usual day and can be a bit quiet. Think one Sunday there was about five if us!
I'm a bit wabbit today- was pre migraine yesterday and took to bed. Slept like a log but am def a bit ' off' today. Struggled with my morning caffeine fix! It's just sitting in my tum, swishing about. I'll see how I get on. HAve an easy day planned, just pootling about. Have a good book, lots of holiday planning and a cross stitch to keep me out of mischief. Won't eat until tonight when you'll be well finished.
I'm in today. GMH, it's the opposite here, terribly cold for the end of April... HIIT for 20 mins this morning, then and hour and 15min walk into town to meet a friend for coffee. That'll keep me occupied. I'm really looking forward to turkey and haricot bean chilli for tea. Like, REAAAAAAALLY looking forward to it!!
Standard Sunday maintenance fast for me - will have a small lunch after some exercise then an unlimited dinner, this seems to be working as my weight has been steady for the last 3 weeks (as seen on the Libra app). Deliberately ate more than usual Friday/Saturday to ensure a decent parkrun and recovery therefrom - feel quite fat now!
I am fasting too! It's only midnight here though in CA so SUnday just started for me. I started at right at midnight since I work graveyard and I plan to do a 36 hour fast, since I don't get home till 6am, Ill sleep till 2pm, have my meal before I start work at 7pm and not have anything until I wake up Mon afternoon. It's my first week second fast day, wish me luck!
I am fasting today. Managed to lose a bit of weight and feel more confident about my ability to fast. Next week is my daughter's birthday so I have to make a cake which will take a few days.

I'm on my first fast day today. Had three cups of coffee already! :bugeyes:

It's nice weather here (if not warm) so I'm going to go for a walk in the woods. Got to go and do the supermarket shopping though, THAT might be tricky!!

Enjoying this forum!
I'm in! Good luck everyone
Me too!
First time I have done a weekend fast, and am trying to hold off til 4pm until I eat, so I go to bed without feeling hungry!
Bit of struggle to do this on a non work day - my house is going to be immaculate ...
2 hours 50 mins til food.......
Hello - I am joining you too.

Got up quite late and felt a bit ropey initially but not too bad now.
Good luck all.
Happy Sunday all. I am also fasting. This is my third fast and I'm feeling ok. I went to the gym this morning and ran 3.92K but really struggled with cramp! Which is pretty unusual I don't tend to struggle with it usually! Fasting???

Iv just eaten an omelette and going to read a book. I feel very tired today and might need a nap! I'm not sure what I will have for lunch yet; I want to hold off till about 6ish.
I'm in today as well :)
Ate a lot yesterday and I'm simply not hungry today at all, so decided to get one fast out of the way for week 8!
I'm going to try it today never did a weekend fast before, only been up for an hour so we will see how this all pans out, and I have a hangover to boot :dazed:
I'm fasting today too. It's still morning here in Western Canada. I normally fast Monday and Thursday but I have plans to go out for lunch with my sister tomorrow so I'm getting my fast done today. Coffee with soy cream for breakfast, now I'll drink water and black tea to get me through till supper. I'm working today (at home), so I'll take walks on my breaks and try to avoid the kitchen as much as I can.

Last week I didn't lose any weight, so hoping for better results this week.

Happy Fasting!
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