The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

14 posts Page 1 of 1
Probably not best idea. But travelling to Sri Lanka for work next week and I don't think I could fast during business travel (particularly to a land of curries which I love) so this Sunday and next Saturday is the only way I can get my 2 fast days in.

Am hungry now. Waiting for lunch. Fish, tomato and spinach curry (I posted recipe earlier).

Kids couldn't take me for lunch but they did make me cards and gave me roses - which I am very happy to note are calorie free - as are hugs and kisses! :heart:
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 04:56
I am with you and just about to make a coffee am grinding the beans now
So far so good have saved my cals for dinner
Having small flathead tails and Asian greens for dinner
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 05:01
Oh I forgot apparently "smitten kitchen" recipe book wending its way from DS. For my feast :razz: days of course :heart:
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 06:20
Oh, I love smitten kitchen- only do it on line though. What a lovely gift.
I'm in today though it's not mother's day (which we don't 'do')
It's a tough one as I wakened up to find that the beautiful trees that frame the balcony have been butchered to less than half their size. Shade, habitat and fragrance wiped out. I am so sad- it has really upset me. When I look out and see trees I feel as though I'm in a reasonably civilised place. Now I just live in the decking sand pit. :( :cry:
Hope everyone has a good fast.
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 06:24
Enjoy Sri Lanka. The place and food is amazing. My favourite food was spicy pancake rolls for breakfast. Yum :)
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 07:53
I'm in as well on this sunny May day. Off to do my morning exercises now. Have a good fast all of you.
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 08:25
thanks gillymary- it has really upset me. And trying to get any sense out of the management company is like nailing jelly to a non existent tree!
Waiting to meet them and that's put my exercising on hold...ho hum
really hate this place most times...
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 10:42
Hi all,

I'm fasting too - feel ok so far but haven't been up that long.

Janeg - sorry to hear about the trees, I like to have some to look at at home or at work. Are they ones that might grow back quite quickly?
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 10:45
Rachel, they have been butchered back to smaller than they were when we moved in nearly 2 years ago. I think they will grow but worry that the cuttin gback is so severe and it's so hot that they won;t survive. It's made me so sad and weepy. I'm keeping fasting but just can;t bring myself to try the shred exercise, Just want to curl up and hope the world goes away. Need to give myself a shake.
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 10:58
Oh dear, you do sound down. I wonder if the trees were 'the last straw' and perhaps masks other things which you are not happy with. Oh, Ballerina, do stop trying to psychoanalyse, Janeg is sad about the trees, leave it at that. :smile:

Hope you feel better soon, :heart:

Ballerina x
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 11:43
I do get quite attached to certain trees too - I should get a magnolia cut down as it is too near my garage but I can't bear to have it done as it looks so beautiful when in full flower.

Trees can be quite hardy though and maybe they have good roots so will survive the heat? Perhaps you need a new plant for inside your home that will give a little bit of foliage (I know it isn't the same and may not be practical).

Hope you feel better soon.
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 14:21
Where do you live Janeg? They cut trees down a lot where I am too, but some of them grow back remarkably quickly.

We get sad that they seem to cut them down here in nesting season. We have rescued and released doves and bulbuls for two years on the trot.

I hope your trees grow back soon. Can you grow Jasmine on your balcony? They like heat and will give you a lovely fragrance.
Re: Fasting on Mothers Day
12 May 2013, 16:52
I can't find another 12th May fasting log so will have to assume this is it...
Another maintenance fast today but with more major exercise - the local charity Menphys organizes a set of walks each year for kids & humans to do for sponsorship, the long one being 14.7 miles and it goes past the end of our road.
Previously I have been fit enough to jog around but chose to walk it today on just a cup of coffee for unbreakfast. With walking to the start & back from the finish I did 17 miles in 4hrs 20mins with nothing to eat or drink en route. I wore my Garmin with HR strap and averaged 108 pulse rate and estimated about 1400 calories used. Lunch was Koko milk & 2 squares of chocolate followed by mushroom soup and tea - waiting for dinner now which will be substantially unrestricted, for obvious reasons!

Was stopped by a motorist who asked if I was doing the charity walk & gave me £20 to add to my collection - how unusual, and how touching, was that?
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