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The Foodies Corner

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Just watched his latest programme & amazed to see him make a sweet potato/chick pea curry served on cauliflower rice..... A recipe I regularly make thanks to having read it 1st on this forum. So has he been lurking here?? :lol:
Don't think so, but who knows?!
I saw that episode last thursday here in Oz 4 flipsake. I thought ' mmmmmm I've heard about that cauliflower rice somewhere else- now where was it??? ' i think you may be right. Who knows? Chefs would love this woe as they can still eat gorgeous food 5 days a week and they would know how to make 5-600 cals go a long yummy way as in the recipe you mentioned .I love the ' save with Jamie' tv show as I'm really into freezer cooking since someone on the forum mentioned 'skinnymomskitchen' website. In fact I'm making one of Jamie's dinners tonight ( from 2 weeks ago episode) using leftover roast meat that i froze after rubbing different bottled sauces onto it, now i just have to panfry it with rice and veg and make the bottom go a bit crispy.
Cauliflower rice is well known for a while, I think. I heard of it months before beginning to diet, even to replace the dough when I made a pizza.

However, despite of all the bad critics, I like his new show, it gives me great ideas which is all I am asking for :wink:

I prefer James Martin, as a chef, even if I will never cook the dishes he does. He put way too much butter in them :grin:
Manderley wrote:
I prefer James Martin, as a chef, even if I will never cook the dishes he does. He put way too much butter in them :grin:

If you are afraid of butter just use cream.

;) :grin:
I watched him last night and he put 2 sticks of butter in a recipe.... :shock:

It surely is delicious but woaw
Jamie Oliver has a nutritionist working with him to make sure his recipes are healthy. If you notice he no longer glugs loads of olive oil over every dish as he used to. I think it is because he is trying to improve everyday meals, and you can't splurge everyday....
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