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The Foodies Corner

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Azureblue wrote: Chopped Brazils on natural live greek yogurt with flaked almonds is yummy :0)

What a great idea @Azureblue. Only last night i had my home made yoghurt with ground almonds and honey. Brazil nuts, chopped would be a great healthy addition and a great way to sneak in another brazil for the day. Thanks
That IS a great idea AB! @AzureBlue! Gonna try that..but not yet boooohooooo coz fasting today..rats!
I love brazil nuts and dates..chopped and mixed in a bowl to snack on...gorgeous,good foryou, but very high cal with those delicious dates :razz:
As MILK! Yes. I used to be a raw vegan and soaking them overnight and then blending them with water and straining. The most delicious milk on the planet especially when blended with bananas, maybe a date or two and raw cacao powder. Other nut milks don't come close.
rawkaren wrote: As MILK! Yes. I used to be a raw vegan and soaking them overnight and then blending them with water and straining. The most delicious milk on the planet especially when blended with bananas, maybe a date or two and raw cacao powder. Other nut milks don't come close.

Never thought of brazils for a nut milk. Ive tried making almond milk but should give brazils a try rawkaren

Want to get something like this for the straining part.

Juliana.Rivers wrote: This recipe looks extraordinarily good. Takes 2 cups of brazils.
Just to say that I made these cookies, @Juliana.Rivers and that my DH likes them a lot.

I also made a brazil nut butter fudge which is good but hasn't set up well outside of the fridge - possibly because I made both the brazil nut butter and the coconut butter and both were too smooth.
SSure wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote: This recipe looks extraordinarily good. Takes 2 cups of brazils.
Just to say that I made these cookies, @Juliana.Rivers and that my DH likes them a lot.

I also made a brazil nut butter fudge which is good but hasn't set up well outside of the fridge - possibly because I made both the brazil nut butter and the coconut butter and both were too smooth.

aaaah i forgot about this recipe. life gets so in the way lol i must get some more brazils to make them as they need 2 cups. Normally i double up all recipes but might not with this only cause brazils are so expensive. If they work might even try adding other nuts to keep the cost down.
thank you for the reminder @SSure
Juliana.Rivers wrote: aaaah i forgot about this recipe...Normally i double up all recipes but might not with this only cause brazils are so expensive. If they work might even try adding other nuts to keep the cost down.
@Juliana.Rivers, I usually double most cookie recipes but, likewise, I didn't this one because of the sheer cost of the brazil nuts. However, having tried them, I think they'd work very well if I double the batch next time but substitute lightly toasted peanuts for some of the brazils to reduce the cost. (I added some orange zest to the batter as I think someone commented it can be a little bland and it complemented both the Brazils and coconut.)
SSure wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote: aaaah i forgot about this recipe...Normally i double up all recipes but might not with this only cause brazils are so expensive. If they work might even try adding other nuts to keep the cost down.
@Juliana.Rivers, I usually double most cookie recipes but, likewise, I didn't this one because of the sheer cost of the brazil nuts. However, having tried them, I think they'd work very well if I double the batch next time but substitute lightly toasted peanuts for some of the brazils to reduce the cost. (I added some orange zest to the batter as I think someone commented it can be a little bland and it complemented both the Brazils and coconut.)

@SSure I did it.. we made the cookies (or my sis did) and they are all nearly gone!!!

so so so good

orange zest sounds like an interesting idea. and i might try it also with pecans, or walnuts or almonds or all of them for a mix. Id cut the sugar too from 1 cup to say 1/2 cup. 70 years ago when apparenly the recipe was used, sugar wasnt such a "poison" as it is now

in case you missed earlier post anyone

my picture.

brazil nut cookies.jpg
brazil nut cookies.jpg (135.86 KiB) Viewed 1715 times

btw i find the system here doesnt allow zoom in images anymore which is a shame cause food porn needs to cover the screen. better pic on my facebook today. look for Juliana.Rivers
I'm fasting today and seriously drooling over this thread!!
Brazil nuts are high in calories, contain great amounts of vitamins, against oxidants and minerals. Its pieces, indeed, have been staple vitality wellsprings of local Amazonians even today.

100 g of brazil nuts give around 656 calories. Their high caloric substance mostly originates from their fats. In any case, quite a bit of this fat substance is mono unsaturated fats (MUFA) like palmitoleic corrosive (16:1) and oleic corrosive (18:1) that brings down LDL or "terrible cholesterol" and increment HDL or "great cholesterol" levels in the blood. Explore thinks about recommend that Mediterranean eating regimen that is rich in monounsaturated unsaturated fats offers security from coronary supply route ailment and strokes by favoring sound blood lipid profile.

The nuts are likewise a decent wellspring of vitamin-E; contain around 7.87 mg for every 100 g (around 52% of RDA). Vitamin-E is an effective lipid solvent cancer prevention agent. It is required for keeping up the honesty of cell layer of mucusa and skin by shielding it from destructive sans oxygen radicals.

Brazil nuts hold incredibly abnormal amounts of selenium. 100 g nuts give around 1917 µg or 3485% suggested day by day admission of selenium, rating them as the most astounding common wellspring of this mineral. Selenium is a critical cofactor for hostile to oxidant compound, glutathione-peroxidase. Only 1-2 nuts a day gives enough of this follow component. Sufficient selenium in the eating regimen counteract coronary supply route illness, liver cirrhosis, and malignancies.

Besides, pretty much as in almonds and pine nuts, brazil nuts too are free from gluten protein. The nuts, thusly, are one of the famous fixings in the readiness of without gluten nourishment recipes. These equation arrangements are, truth be told, sound options in individuals with wheat sustenance hypersensitivity and celiac infection.

Also, these velvety nuts are a great wellspring of B-complex gathering of vitamins, for example, thiamin (51% of RDA per 100 g), riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic corrosive, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), and folates. Through and through, these vitamins act as co-variables for chemicals amid cell substrate digestion system inside the body.

Notwithstanding selenium, they hold great levels of different minerals, for example, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. Copper avoids paleness and bone shortcoming (osteoporosis). Manganese is an exceedingly vital co-consider for the cell reinforcement protein, superoxide dismutase. :smile:
Hi, you can eat brazil nuts straight or you eat them by roasted on a low flame, you can take brazil nuts by adding them in different foods or in some sweet dishes.
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