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Veggie/Vegan Christmas dinner
22 Dec 2013, 19:01
Hi, I know that @FatDog, @coffeetime and many other members are vegetarian or vegan and wondered what you'll be eating for your Christmas dinner this year? :grin:
I will be doing my lovely DiL a nut roast. Cashews, processed till fairly small, red lentils, cooked, onions, sage, breadcrumbs, garlic clove, spices, baked in a loaf tin till 'done'.
Yum, sounds scrumptious Penny! :like: :like:
We're being a bit cheaty with veg pies and roast veg this year.
MrsPete makes a nut loaf with cashews, pine nuts and white bread with herby stuffing down the middle - loads of butter in the mix, it looks and tastes like turkey (as far as I can remember!). I get to do the roast potatoes, parsnips and veg...
I am doing a veggie platters to take and I am considering a very green salad of mesclun and water cress topped with asparagus, green beans, peas and chives. I am still considering the other smaller platter which will be red and oranges which will be sprigs of oven baked small vine tomatoes, chargrilled eggplant and red capsicum and pumpkin on a bed of red coral lettuce and black olives.
oh @gillymary, that sounds an absolute feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds. Would love to see a pic of the final dishes if you are able to take one? :like: :grin:
Just looking at how to post a photo now, that is synchronicity @callyanna isn't it? Will absolutely post my platter creations
The other year I did a raised tofu and bean pie for my vegan SIL - it was yummy. (she's since downgraded to being ovo-lacto so much easier to cater for!)
When you work out how yo post a photo can you let me know please @gillymary or tell me where to look? :clover:
Xxx julianna
We usually have the Cranks nut roast made with cashews. Very quick and easy but my husband also wants a Quorn roast as he loves them. Lots of vegetables too :)
I am making a mushroom and chestnut pie with cream and gruyere and puff pastry. With Danish style red cabbage, caramelised potatoes, roast spuds and brussels with chestnuts. Mmmmmm!!!
Hoooowwwwwwlll... Wish you'd not asked @callyanna! Short answer is "I don't know yet"!!!

I've plans for pudding (those winter solstice pies I'm hoping to bring to the Christmas Marquee) but I'm painfully dithering about the mains... I usually do "nut balls" (utterly indulgent and delicious, though I say it myself: loads of different fine chopped nuts and dried fruits, red lentils, grated carrots, onions, garlic, herbs and spices and an egg to bind, rolled into 2/3rd sized tennis balls) with roasted veggies and the standard trimmings. But now I'm a) low-carb and b) trying to be a bit more adventurous with the cooking I've come rather unstuck.. Will let you know when I get there :) xxx FatDog
Haggis en croute for moi!

The haggis will contain chestnuts, sun-dried tomatoes, chopped walnuts and mushrooms as well as the more traditional lentils, red kidney beans - and porridge oats, of course!

I shall wrap it in a vegan brioche spread with mushroom pate and pesto. That, with a spicy tomato sauce instead of gravy (Gravy? Pah!) and all the roast trimmings, and I'll be a happy bunny! (Bunnies are vegan, too, see! )

For afters we have my sister's Xmas pud - which she's now veganised - and Alpro custard! Mmm…

Prior to that, I'm doing a couple of 20:4s, possibly. Certainly one tomorrow - not sure about Tuesday yet.

I am, of course, open to any unexpected offers - such as a pub lunch, etc.

As Oscar Wilde once said, "I can resist anything except temptation!"

Whatever you're having, have a lovely time, folks! :hugleft: :hugright:

Wow, that sounds amazing breadandwine!!
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