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Yoghurt aiding weigh loss
04 Feb 2014, 13:24
I read somewhere that yoghurt can actually aid weight loss, I'm sorry for being such a dunce I don't know how to do links. But from what I understood in tests it showed those who ate yoghurt lost more weight.
I am avoiding the low fat yoghurts a they fool you with added sugar and am looking at making my own. In the mean time I am buying Greek Yogurt.
I believe the added weight loss is connected to the calcium. I am actually hoping someone more knowledgable might come along and explain it a little more.
Re: Yoghurt aiding weigh loss
04 Feb 2014, 13:26
I agree, I have seen a BBC programme about that a while ago! I also eat Greek yoghurt it's lovely!
Re: Yoghurt aiding weigh loss
04 Feb 2014, 14:08
I use full fat greek bio yogurt, it is filtered so there is less whey in it. Since the straining process removes some of the lactose, strained yogurt is lower in sugar and carbohydrates than unstrained yogurt.

Some cheap brands of greek style yogurt have thickening agents in them or are sometimes boiled to thicken them.

The calcium thing seems to come from here... Quote from Fitness World
, according to research from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. They also retained one-third more calorie-torching lean muscle mass, which can help you maintain weight loss. "Fat around your waist produces the hormone cortisol, which tells your body to accumulate even more belly flab," says nutrition professor and lead study author Michael Zemel, PhD. When you eat yogurt, the calcium signals your fat cells to pump out less cortisol, making it easier for you to drop pounds, while the amino acids help burn fat.

I find filtered yogurt a really useful part of my diet and eat truck loads of the stuff :smile:
Re: Yoghurt aiding weigh loss
04 Feb 2014, 14:24
I had a quick look on PubMed which is the best way of tracking down the science behind any health claim.

The studies I found were mostly to do with using yoghurt to supplement a resistance exercise program in overweight women. The studies I looked at found no benefit at all for yogurt in promoting fat loss or lean muscle increase.

Similarly, a study on the effect of a dairy- and calcium-rich diet on weight loss and appetite during energy restriction in overweight and obese adults found no effect of either dairy or calcium on weight loss.

Of course, it doesn't mean yogurt isn't nice to eat, but like 99% of these wonder weight loss foods, the evidence for effectiveness is not there!
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