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June Solstice Challenge Anyone?
07 Apr 2017, 16:32
Hello everyone,

I was thinking of starting a June Solstice Challenge (summer for some, winter for others!) I'm planning to start it right after Easter and then go up to the week of June 20th. It'll be about 9 weeks. I think our weekly challenges are going great, but maybe we need a long term goal too. Let me know if you are interested. I won't be able to go too crazy with managing it. But I can post updates and try to be encouraging!

Let me know if you are interested!
I remember our first solstice challenge, back in the day.
I'm here and low carbing with a missing meal, which one do you think that is???
Good luck "solsticers"
i'll join you @cblasz thanks for suggesting...xx c'mon folks,it seems ages since we've had a challenge
@carieoatesare you game? ( is it brekky youre missing out?)
And @nursebean? Fancy a challenge?xx
I'll certainly join you all. It will be fun. I was on an Easter challenge when I disappeared in 2014. Motivating. This time I won't vanish. .
Great! Thanks @CandiceMarie and @Fat_Teacher - let me know your goals and we'll get started on Monday April 17th.

Anyone else?

My goal is going to be to get down to 155 lbs., which will be a little over 10 lbs. I think. It might be a bit of a reach, but I'm going to really try my best to shake things up!!
Hi @cblasz i will aim for six pounds down which will make me 10 stone 12. Ultimately I want to be 10 stone 7,which i think is a respectable enough weight for a 67 yr old sedentary grandma ( Nanna to a cat!) who has underactive thyroid and ME and oedema!
Plus i am so very wrinkly now ( all over!) i dont think i could cope with more than another nine poundsworth of wrinkliness! X :grin: :geek: :grin: :lol: :grin: :geek: :smile: :wink:
PS just shouting out a hello and waving to @SianSwho is the only other member online right now!
Hi Sian,hope youre doing well, Happy Easter! X
Hi @cblasz,
I know it sounds ambitious but my goal is to be under 100kg. So that means 17lbs to lose. Hmmm. Is that possible?I am a male and I've only just begun to lose weight so one tends to lose more early on.... Actually, just make it 15lbs. I've still got a few days before we start!

15lbs it is! Lock it in. :grin:
2 days until the challenge begins. Do we have any more participants? Summer is coming soon, for those of us in the northern hemisphere!!
I think I will join. Other than the weekly challenges, I haven't done a challenge in ages. My weight is also as high as it's been in ages, well out of my maintenance range. I need to get it under control.

My goal is to get to 65 kg. I'll give a starting weight soon. Last time I weighted it was 69kg. :shock:
Good to have you here @maryann! X
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