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Group Challenges

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New Challenge?
27 Jun 2017, 12:15
Good morning!

We are fast approaching the end of our June Solstice challenge, which we extended to July 4. I was wondering if anyone is interested in participating in (or running) our next challenge? I know it helps me to have a place to check in with my progress (or lack there of) and discuss those results.

I was thinking though that maybe the challenge needs to be a bit shorter? Maybe a month long perhaps. It seems that they tend to lose the momentum after that. So maybe smaller goals in a shorter time frame.

Just some thoughts, let me know what you think!
Re: New Challenge?
27 Jun 2017, 16:22
I'm in

Although honestly, just being me is often challenge enough ;-P LOL
Re: New Challenge?
29 Jun 2017, 10:59
Thanks Tracie! Anyone else?
Re: New Challenge?
29 Jun 2017, 20:07
On track to follow doctor's orders today and stick to 60g net carbs. Had only espresso and cream for breakfast (1 carb - am switching to real cream instead of half and half once this container's used up).

Lunch was 24g carbs. I carefully weighed and measured and it was GLORIOUS. I had a large slice of Trader Joe's whole wheat tuscan pane/bread, toasted, smeared with 2 tbsp almond butter, a whole small avocado smashed on top and 3 thin slices of "instant" bacon (that precooked stuff). It sounds like a very weird lunch but it's freakin delicious (especially with peanut butter, which is slightly higher in carbs) and very filling (especially with 80g of avocado ).

Dinner with be a large green salad with a grilled chicken breast and some AOC French roquefort. I may splash out on some (carefully weighed) croutons. Or I may skip the croutons and have cherries for dessert.

I could in theory have a modest serving of both and still come in at 60g carbs (net of fiber) for the day. But I'll likely have just one and then a single square of dark chocolate.
Re: New Challenge?
29 Jun 2017, 21:45
I am happy to join you both, though need to give some thought to what my challenge will be!
Re: New Challenge?
30 Jun 2017, 04:13
Tracieknits wrote: Lunch was 24g carbs. I carefully weighed and measured and it was GLORIOUS. I had a large slice of Trader Joe's whole wheat tuscan pane/bread, toasted . . . . . .. .

Hi, I am a TJ's aficionado - so what is this bread? Sounds lovely - can you help ?? Thanks
Re: New Challenge?
30 Jun 2017, 13:48
Here's a photo of it and the nutritional info:!page=prod ... 31380C180E

My understanding is that TJ's baked good are different in different parts of the country. I know my MIL had different stuff in Nebraska than we had in NY (including much better baguette!)

In my store, it's usually stocked right next to the Multigrain Sourdough (which I'm sure my husband prefers - the tuscan pane is a softer bread, with a finer texture). I chose it because there was no white flour and there were fewer carbs.


And I'm down almost another full pound today after a successful low carb day yesterday. Sigh. I mean I knew it was the correct answer, but I didn't want it to be the correct answer. So I guess instead of having a glorious, true FIAF today, I will moderate and keep the carbs to a dull roar at the 125g my old endocrinologist recommended. Sheesh, just looking at what I wanted to have for FIAF came in at over 200. So there will be a significant reduction. sigh.
Re: New Challenge?
30 Jun 2017, 16:38
Thanks for the info Tracie. I often check Fooducate for stats, ingredients, etc. I agree, though, we might have slightly different breads here in SoCal - but I am making my weekly TJs run today so will check it out !!!!!

Oh, and well done on the recent downward trend in your weight - I'm also low carbing (mostly !!)
Re: New Challenge?
30 Jun 2017, 18:05
I will be away for a month in less than three weeks so won't be joining in with the next challenge but very good luck to those of you who do! Onwards and downwards, my friends! :clover:
Re: New Challenge?
01 Jul 2017, 12:12
I will start a new thread for the new challenge and we'll see who joins us!

@Tracieknits - I think that's awesome that you are already losing weight from eating low carb! Can you try to find some foods that are low carb that you really enjoy to make this better for you? For example, I love cheese and on a traditional diet that would have to be limited, but on a low carb diet you can eat it whenever/however you want! Also, have you tried any of the new jerkies out there? Some of them are really good and I find them to be a fun snack sometimes. I have low carb wraps that make it easier to make a lot of good things too.

I thought there used to be a low carb thread around here, but I can't find it. maybe we should start a new one so we can exchange ideas.

@Sassy1 - I'm glad you are joining us! I think you should try to come up with something measurable (doesn't need to be weight) as your goal, if you can, so you can earn stars somehow too!
Re: New Challenge?
01 Jul 2017, 14:52
well I've been reducing my carbs for a long time. I know 125g carbs sounds like an awful lot of carbs when compared to people on a 20g/40g day diet, but honestly, it's a reduction. My son just asked if we could go out to PFChangs tonight and so I took a look at their menu -- many things I enjoy on that menu (or used to enjoy and haven't had in a long time) are well over 125g carbs for just the one meal. their Pad Thai is almost 200g carbs and sad to say, I can easily eat that whole thing.

I just planned a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese, onions and bell pepper, served with bacon and one slice of avocado toast. 25g after fiber. This leaves me about 100g carbs for dinner, which is hopefully way more than I will eat, even if we do go out to eat :-)

I've been on a mission to completely eliminate snacking from my life and I'm about 90% successful. I rarely snack. Since I have been on ww for the past 14 months, and they do charge a lot of points for carbs, I already have plenty of things stocked up, like low/reduced carb tortillas for wraps and tacos, etc.

So I'm honestly not having as hard of a time as I thought I would have with this, because the last 14 months have rather been like training wheels. And I'm only doing 60g days for three days a week. I may reduce more later, but I don't want to make myself run for the hills and give up.

Soooo - Official goals for the month of July: stick to reduced carb plan (60g 3 days per week, 125g 4 days per week). Hoping to lose 5 pounds by July 31. Today weighed in at 204.0.
Re: New Challenge?
01 Jul 2017, 15:39
Oh I understand how 125 is definitely a reduction. I've been trying to stick to under 100 and that was a big change for me too.

I meant not just find foods that you are able to eat, but ones that you really enjoy that make it more "fun" to eat low carbs. Things that you wouldn't have been able to eat much of on old WW!

I love Pad Thai and PF Chang's too!
Re: New Challenge?
01 Jul 2017, 17:19
Yeah, I know where you're going with this, but for me the "fun" foods all have carbs, or they're something I need to moderate anyway. Because I'm a complete BRAT! ;-)

The obvious answer is cheese, but honestly, if I eat too much cheese, I don't respond well to it and that makes it a lot less fun LOL But I can surely up my daily quota by a couple of ounces (so maybe from 1 to 3) and I can justify buying better cheeses. I already moved from light feta at Trader Joe's to regular. Champagne is low carb, especially the "brut nature" stuff I already love, but I have to be cautious about that too, and probably really shouldn't increase my consumption *at all* LOL Besides, champagne makes me want potato chips or emmenthaler cheese puffs, so not helpful rofl

So I'm sorry your helpfulness has run into the brick wall of my stubborness :-P
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