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Group Challenges

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I am late in posting because I was trying to decide what I wanted to focus on this week. Last week I focused on lowering my carbs. I did good with that during the week. I do need to do a little better with it on the weekend, even though I can be a little more lax.

So I will keep working on that, but I decided my goal for this week will be exercise. I want to continue getting in my 15 minute walks every day and also get in at least 45 min. of exercise 3X a week. Ideally that will be a walk/jog one evening after work and on Saturday and then swimming on Sunday.

I've decided to focus on exercise, because I'm hoping it will be an alternative to food when I'm having a stressful day. I've had some stressful days and I've REALLY wanted to just eat and eat badly. I've fought it off, but maybe exercise will help me feel better and less stressed overall.

Does anyone else have something they want to work on this week?
Thanks @Cblasz for kicking off another weekly challenge. I have only one goal this week and it's not about weight or eating or diet - it is just to get in the door of the gym. Two years of membership fees wasted. I pay every week and never go. I MUST MAKE TIME TO WALK IN THAT DOOR THIS WEEK - If only to cancel my membership. This week has to be the crossroad for me. Either get back to it or face up to it and quit. One goal. Six days left.
I was there once! I "donated" to the gym for a long time and then I finally quit. I realized that it is not for me and stuck with activities that I will do. I like to do outdoor activities and swimming.

But, if you do like the gym and just need to get into the habit, then I hope you are able to go this week!!
Best wishes @cblasz and @fat_teacher for your exercise plans. I have found the best way to ensure exercise is done is to incorporate it into your routine. Could you do the exercise straight after school, before you go home (or before school, but that does mean a fairly early start!). Any chance of doing a walk at lunchtime cblasz?

Given we are now 3 days into this week, I don't think I will make a challenge for this week. I did pretty well last week eating according to hunger, only one little blip, but this week...hmm...not good at all - as mentioned in the fasting today thread. But I will try to get back on track with that way of eating, and hope the fast today helps reset my body and brain!!

Good luck to both of you and any late challengers! :clover:
Hi @fat_teacher - did you make it to the gym yet??

This was an insane week at school and very busy. I did get my 15 minute walks in a couple of times and the days I didn't, I still got a ton of steps in. I need to go for a walk today still, but it's 90 degrees F here! So I will wait until a little later in the day and maybe it will cool down a bit. I'm also planning to go swimming tomorrow, even though my swim buddy can't make it. I hope I am still motivated when I need to get up tomorrow morning!
Hi all :-)

I didn't think of doing an extra blurb on a special challenge for this week.

I hope @Fat_Teacher is able to get in the door of her gym to cancel that membership. @Cblasz I hope you're getting your exercise in -- I was just in Connecticut today, going to the Wadsworth Atheneum exhibit with my mom. It's the annual flower exhibit, where floral artists make arrangements inspired by a specific work of art.

@Sassy1 I hope you were able to get back on track! Inexplicably, sometimes it's just harder than other times.

And right now I really want a cookie. But I have already had a cookie, and I've determined that I can only have 3 points of dessert in a day. So no more cookies!! Maybe I should go have a piece of cheese.
Oh well ... Have to admit @Cblasz, this week was a FAIL for me. No gym.
Oh ... and @Tracieknits, thanks for your well wishes and I'm a guy btw!
I will just have to transfer this goal to next week's challenge!
Well, I ended up getting upset over something yesterday, so I didn't get my walk in. I'm going to do it today instead. And we'll just have to try again this week!!
It took me almost all day, but I finally got in my 3 mile walk!!
Good for you @cblasz! You would have felt very pleased with yourself.

@Fat_teacher, could you make a decision NOW about when this week you are going to go to the gym - slot in into your schedule, put a reminder in your phone, pack the bag of clothes etc that you need and have them at the front door, or in the car, wherever is appropriate. Tell us, and we will remind you too! Good luck. :clover: :clover: :clover:
And thanks for your thoughts, @Tracieknits. Didn't get back on track last week - there were reasons, but not excuses!!

I am hoping a new week is bringing new resolve. Will post in a new thread later, but must get out in the garden now while the weather is fine.
@cblasz I noticed over the last 2 months that stress is the main reason things don't go according to plan.... like eating willpower. I hope you managed to get through it and it didn't last long.
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