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Probably not. But they probably have other types of issues instead!! My sister is skinny and in great shape, but she smokes. So I think I'd rather the eating issues!
I think you're right Cblasz when you say they probably have other issues instead.

Well I woke up to a lovely drop in the scale this morning. I hope it sticks! Yesterday's light day went well. I didn't manage to keep the calories quite as low as I wanted, but I had a nice light day.

On to enjoying treats in MODERATION this weekend. This is why I need weight watchers. I know most of the people on the board hate the idea of anyone doing ww, but it really helps me with the whole moderation thing. I just can't seem to get a grip on it without the accountability of tracking the points of what I'm eating. And by combining ww with 5:2 principles, I'm doing better than the vast majority of people in my ww group.
I don't think people hate the idea of others doing WW. I think everyone agrees you should do what works for you. I got tired of counting points and I didn't like how they changed the plan. I still count calories though and I love how I have more information with MFP. Instead of how it is somewhat masked in WW. I did very well with WW years ago and truly have them to thank for me not being bigger than I am! But I truly think whatever works for you is great!
Agree with cblasz. Losing weight is hard enough, I think we're all supportive of whatever works for any individual!
Thank you Cblasz and Zesty! Yeah, I should have been kinder -- there certainly are plenty of folks who say "whatever works for you is great". Why is it we always feel the sting of the few people who feel the need to tell someone how very wrong they are? sigh.

I used to hate the way WW counted points, penalizing fat and rewarding carbs. But the new points are much more reasonable in that they reward protein. They still penalize fat too much, imho (and so I therefore don't always count things like vegetable oil and avocados with all the points ww would want me to charge), but they penalize sugar dramatically, which works very well for me. I do count actual ww points on all processed foods. But plain, real foods like nuts, oil, avocado and cheese, I don't necessarily count the way I should if the only reason they are being penalized is due to the fat content. I then count them on a more 50 calories is 1 point basis.
I hadn't picked up that anyone was particularly anti WW or SW (I assume that is similar). I understand that the approach of these groups is much more enlightened than it used to be and I assume there is no more public shaming if you have put on weight? The support of a group and a trained leader is useful for many, and having to turn up every week/ fortnight can also be motivating. I quite like the idea of the points system - and adapting it to suit your needs/beliefs sounds the way to go, Tracie. Good to hear how sugar is viewed too.

I guess the problem I have with most weight loss programs/strategies is that many of them do not help most people address the cause(s) of their overeating longer term. (To be fair to WW, I expect they do discuss these and suggestions for addressing them.) And that applies to IF too of course. Some people are "lucky" in that a particular program/strategy does prove to be a long term solution to their overeating. But most people end up putting most (if not more) weight lost back on.

This is why I have come to believe that the focus should be on healthy eating according to hunger (most of the time), rather than on losing a certain amount of weight. But that is easier said than done and I do admit that it is still a real challenge to stop the bad habits / address the real issues that lead to overindulgence.
I have been thinking about the women I know who have remained slim (I don't mean skinny) throughout their lives. Generalising greatly, but they do seem to be of a calmer disposition (than me), and not overly fussed about food - and they don't eat very much. Eat to live, not live to eat. So I doubt they overindulge, but if they do, they would just not eat much the next day.
I'm happy to say that I had a glass of water in the morning all 7 days this week. I got my walk in 3 days so far, and am planning to go for a long walk today. I got my cup of green tea in 4 days so far, and will have one tonight. I avoided sweets M-F and treated myself yesterday. I shared cream cheese stuffed french toast with my friend at brunch yesterday and had a cake pop from Starbucks. I'll try not to have any today.

I peeked at the scale this morning and it looked good, but I'll have to get the official result tomorrow am.

How did everyone else do?
Hi @cblasz (and everyone)

You did well! You must feel pleased. It is very rewarding when we feel/are in control.

I did okay. I had the three light days, though 2 could have been lighter, and did have the 4 nights without chocolate. But I still have problems with a bit of overeating on the non-light days, and this will be my challenge for the coming week.

Looking forward to hearing how everyone else went. :smile:
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