The FastDay Forum

Group Challenges

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Hullo fellow fasters!
I'm starting the weekly challenge thread because I've got quite a challenge ahead of me!

Basically I have a wedding I'm attending at the end of June. I have a dress that is a size 6 which I bought when I managed to lose the most weight about 2 years ago. Its lovely, and I'm hoping the style is not out of date. I want to wear it to the wedding without the seams popping ha ha!

I need to lose ~6kg (13lb) in 6 weeks....and through various websites and myFitnesspal I've worked out that I would need to eat 5600 cals a week. To get there I need to do 3:4 fast and be as lean and clean as possible on the off days.

I'm highly motivated to get there - so here we go!

Anyone else challenging themselves this week?
Thanks for starting the thread, @Wakki22!

Wow, that is quite a challenge. Good luck with that. You might want to join our June Solstice Challenge as well!

Last week, was challenging with Teacher Appreciation week and lots of food around. I survived and lost 1/2 pound. It was also very busy. This week will also be pretty busy. So, my main goal is just to get through it, sticking to my goals as much as possible. I did really terrible with my exercise goal last week. I hope to do a little better this week. Also, I haven't been as good about drinking my water in the morning and evenings and my green tea, so I'm going to work on that as well.
Thanks @cblasz. I thought I was too late to join your June Solstice Challenge - I came back from leave and thought everyone had already started way back.

Are you doing the June Solstice Challenge instead of the weekly one? or combined somehow?
Hi! I'm doing both. The June Solstice challenge is sort of my long term goal and the weekly challenges are little things I need to work on each week.
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