The FastDay Forum

Forum & Progress Tracker Help

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Thanks to all the newly registered members who noted they were having difficulties getting their tracker data to display on their posts beneath their avatars - we have now determined the cause of this problem and a fix has been put in place.

The fix may only affect users who have registered since it was implemented, so for the rest of you if you are still having problems, here's what you need to do!

- Go to your User Control Panel
- Click on the Profile tab
- Select a Gender from the drop-down box
- Click Submit to confirm it
- Now go to your Progress Tracker

Assuming you had set your tracker view to public, this should now correct the problem! If it wasn't yet set to public on your tracker settings, please go and select that setting after you have done the above.

Voila! Your info should now be displayed as wanted :)
Looks like it's working now. Thanks @Moogie! :clap:
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