The FastDay Forum

Forum & Progress Tracker Help

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Is there any intention to ever fix the tracker? It is the main reason I belong to this site and miss it terribly. The other trackers I follow don't have the facility to record blood pressure.

Kind regards

The website is pretty much dead. No one uses it anymore. Other trackers usually have a place for notes that you could use.

Also, it looks like Google Fit may have what you are looking for. Otherwise, might I suggest an Excel spreadsheet?
Such a shame when it was such a thriving place in its heyday. I gave up visiting regularly when I could no longer record my weekly weigh-in data and since then my visits have become further and further apart. I'm still in Facebook contact with a few of the old-time members and now belong to a very active Facebook page for those who still stick with the 5:2 WOL.


I'm not sure if this link will take you there but it may be useful for those of you who like extra support. I certainly find it useful, especially on fast days, and they are a good crowd.

Signing off for now at least! :frown:
Well the link didn't quite work ( I never claimed to be very computer literate) but if you cut and paste it into your browser it should still take you there. Well it worked for me!
I had no idea it was broken. I'll have a look now and see if I can see the problem.
@Confused of East Cheam Thank you for bringing the problem to my attention - I believe it should be fixed now! Had I been aware, I would have sorted it much sooner. I'm so sorry if this has been a problem for a long time!
cblasz wrote: The website is pretty much dead. No one uses it anymore. Other trackers usually have a place for notes that you could use.

Also, it looks like Google Fit may have what you are looking for. Otherwise, might I suggest an Excel spreadsheet?

Moogie has now fixed the Tracker - all is well. I do have a spreadsheet and use other trackers but this one is far more illustrative and easy to see results at a glance.

Confused of East Cheam
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