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Advanced Search options?
08 Jul 2013, 20:50
I'd like to perform searches using a string of words as a contiguous match-it-all phrase, not as a list of separate words to be located independently.

1. Is there a search-field syntax for this?

2. Is there a way to also include logical operators such as AND, OR, XOR, and NOT, or even &&, || !=, ==, ...?

3. Is there a way to invoke what's known as a "regular expression" engine? Commonly these are individual filter characters such as "*" to match anything and "?" to match any single character. A further extension would be the use of independently matchable sets typically characterized within square brackets [].

Yes, these are really obscure questions for most posters so no need to respond quickly. (And even entirely ignored to imply that the answer "No.") :grin:

Thanks in advance.

Re: Advanced Search options?
08 Jul 2013, 21:20
the box top right "Search forum & blogs:" is a Google search that should take thier standard syntax and "Advanced search" to the left has some defined options.

In Google you put a string of words in quotes like "a string of words in quotes"
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