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Re: Tracker not working?
24 Sep 2019, 12:28
I'm so sorry I didn't notice the tags at the start of this year - it was a mad time with me selling my house and I guess the notifications got buried :/ It's working again now though I know that doesn't make up for all the months it has apparently been broken >.<;; Hope you can forgive me.
Re: Tracker not working?
06 Dec 2019, 10:46
Well the oddest of things! I was trying to work out how to reply to you without including your embedded message and clicked on your icon labelled progress, this took me to the home page of YOUR tracker! I then went to the tab where I would need to enter updates and it showed me MY data, then back to progress page and the annoying pink error box appeared again.
Re: Tracker not working?
13 Dec 2019, 18:47
Lil wrote: Although I don't post much these days I am usually lurking and still doing 'vanilla 5:2' I haven't been able to update my tracker this week - is anyone else having a problem with it?

same here. I am a returnee and was happy to see readings from 2013 and 2014 still there!
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