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Back at it!
28 Mar 2017, 15:29
Hi all,
I live in Seattle, WA and did fasting for about 6 months about 18 months ago. Lost about 20 pounds in those 6 months and felt great. Then I gave up, gained it back plus 10 pounds. Boo. So I'm back at it! I have lost a few pounds since the new year using weight watchers points system. I think I will continue to track "points" on my non-fast days. The advantage of WW for me is that I tend to fill up on veggies and fruits which are not normally my go-to snack if I'm simply calorie counting.

Anyway, my goal is to fast 2x per week whenever I can. And if I can't (sometimes it's hard when we have family visits and such) I will aim for at LEAST one day per week. and if that is too hard I will try to do 8:16 at least 4x per week on weeks when a true fast day isn't possible.

Will aim to weigh in once per week after 2nd fast.

Ultimate goal is about 160 pounds, first goal is 196 (this puts me as "overweight" and not "obese" per charts). I think that's about 14 pounds to go or maybe slightly less. I was down around 204 pounds but pretty sure I'm back to 208-210ish. Didn't weigh in yet...feel too scared.

Thanks for the support! :heart:
Re: Back at it!
29 Mar 2017, 21:41
Welcome @marthamay!

As you will have read, you are not alone in your experience. There is a lot of information on this website to help you (do read the "LEARN" pages) plus ideas and support through the forum.

I just wanted to say that if you really don't want to stand on the scales, don't! You don't need scales to tell you if you are eating healthily, nor to tell you if you are losing weight (how clothes fit can do that). In these early days, maybe it will serve you better to just concentrate on eating appropriately. Then maybe in a month or more, if you really feel the need to do so, you could stand on the scales.

We do tend to concentrate on making a loss on the scales our reward, rather than rewarding ourselves for the good behaviours we are following. Many things influence what we weigh on a particular day. We (in theory at least!) have far more control about what and when we eat and how we exercise, and should congratulate ourselves for positive behaviours that we can directly control, rather than a weight loss, which we cannot.

Best wishes and good luck whatever you decide! :clover: :smile:
Re: Back at it!
31 Mar 2017, 11:54
Hi @Marthamay and welcome!

I have been combining ww and 5:2 for a while now and love the combination! I aim for eating 15 points or fewer two days a week, then I allow myself to eat those uneaten points on other days. If I eat them on Wednesday, I just track them as though they were Monday's snack, for example.

I have a link at the bottom of my signature to my ww/5:2 journal :-)

I'm in the same boat as you - I'm 201 right now and looking to get to about 160. I'm treading water at the moment as my thyroid's low and we're trying to medicate it back to a good place. Plus I'm going on vacation in 2 weeks and for some reason I have a bad attitude - every day has been FIAF (F* it all Friday LOL). I haven't been *that* terrible, but that extra spoonful of peanut butter or those 3 cookies every day are probably the difference between maintaining and losing.

btw I lived in the Seattle area for almost 10 years. It's a beautiful part of the world. :-)
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