Sorry - this isn't strictly about 5:2 but I know many forum members have thyroid problems and I saw this article on my thyroid support forum: ... ssion.html
They state : "The article also finds that patients taking thyroxine had DOUBLE the risk of non-RA arthritis." So my GP and the NHS Endocrinologist, who virtually laughed me out of their surgeries when I said I was convinced that that Hashimoto's thyroiditis was just the beginning of all my other 'itis' problems (agonising joint pain for starters), and that taking Thyroxine (the pharmaceutical cheap drug of choice) as replacement therapy was making things worse, are indeed the dangerous numbskulls I thought they were!
Apologies for the rant but the pills I have been swallowing for the past 30 years are responsible for the current appalling state of my health.
Furious and heartbroken but even more determined to take control and follow what I instinctively know to be right for me. ... ssion.html
They state : "The article also finds that patients taking thyroxine had DOUBLE the risk of non-RA arthritis." So my GP and the NHS Endocrinologist, who virtually laughed me out of their surgeries when I said I was convinced that that Hashimoto's thyroiditis was just the beginning of all my other 'itis' problems (agonising joint pain for starters), and that taking Thyroxine (the pharmaceutical cheap drug of choice) as replacement therapy was making things worse, are indeed the dangerous numbskulls I thought they were!
Apologies for the rant but the pills I have been swallowing for the past 30 years are responsible for the current appalling state of my health.
Furious and heartbroken but even more determined to take control and follow what I instinctively know to be right for me.