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Not losing weight?

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I have been doing this woe since the end of Jan, its so much in my schedule now I couldn’t even tell you how many days I’ve done! I keep a little food diary and take my essential measurements once a month to keep track. I have ‘only’ lost five pounds in this time but I am fairly slight and just trying to lose the last of my baby weight (lil one is two next week!)
I was starting to get a little disheartened that weight wasn’t dropping off, I have been reading this forum since jan and have seen some fab weight losses.
Anyway! I ordered a bra in my usual size and tried it on last night and it was huge. No matter what weight I’ve lost before on various diets my bust always stayed very large. I then checked the bra I had been wearing that day, it was huge too! I hadn’t even noticed! So I grabbed my tape measure and I’ve lost an inch off my chest in the last month and two inches since Jan! I measured my tummy and same story there! My ‘fat’ zones obviously don’t feel the need to store fat anymore. So don’t be down if the scales aren’t showing a loss, check out your clothes, the things we pull on every day without really checking and even maybe look at your body in a full length mirror. If anything has made this a way of eating for life its this!! I still have a few more pounds/inches to go until I am happy but I have never achieved this kind of body altering on my previous group based diets. Just wanted to share
Hi Tallulahminx,
That's a brilliant result and a good lesson to all of us, when we get a bit fed up with the scales not being nice to us. I think most of us have been on so many standard diets, where the scales are the be all end all, that we sometimes forget that this is a different approach entirely and there's also lots going on inside, not just the weight loss. Well done again.
I've lost inches this week not weight. My bra is riding up too, which I think means it's too loose.

Nice one!
Well done!
I've been doing the diet for a4 weeks and have only lost about 4 lbs. I was getting a bit worried so measured my waist and found I have lost 1.5 inches so now feel enthusiastic again
yey! Glad I have cheered some people up! :)
This is how I am tracking my progress rather than on the scales. :) Good loss, well done.
Yay for not using scales! I'm scale-less at the moment but I'm not even measuring anything, just going by how my clothes fit. I've only been doing this three weeks and already I've had to tighten my jeans belt up one notch. :victory:
Magiclou wrote: Well done!
I've been doing the diet for a4 weeks and have only lost about 4 lbs. I was getting a bit worried so measured my waist and found I have lost 1.5 inches so now feel enthusiastic again

A pound a week is spot on loss.
I've not been doing this long. I've lost 4 lbs so far (yay) but having taken my measurements when I started (first time I've ever bothered to do that at the start of a new diet/plan/WOE) I am quite amazed to have lost 1/2" off my hips and 1.5" off my waist already! I have a very fitted linen dress which I wore last week and only just got away with - the belt was on its loosest notch and I contemplated not wearing it as it was rather snug... well I wore it yesterday and it was MUCH looser and thats what sent me off for the tape measure to confirm it :grin: My bra straps is also feeling much more comfortable, so all in all I'm a very happy camper!
I'm seeing inch loss, too. I combine fasting with the 30 day shred, and I've seen 2 inches off my thighs, tummy and hips in 10 days. I'm so pleased with that that it doesn't bother me so much that the scales have stayed the same.
I now have my bra on the tightest hooks rather than the loosest - what can't speak, can't lie as they say. Never remember losing weight in this area previously. Makes me smile every morning when I get dressed. :grin:
Hi Tallulahminx
It's great that you started this thread. I have a very similar story to date and I am very pleased with the visible results even if the figures on the scale don't read the numbers I'd like to see (yet).
Today the weather is chillier than usual here so I put on a colourful, tailored winter jacket that I had previously worn a couple of months ago - made of wool so no give whatsoever. I was REALLY surprised. It wasn't tight across my back - the first time ever since I bought it 2 years ago. WHAT A GREAT feeling! I feel like the cat that got the cream today :)
Thank you for the inspiration as I am a slow loser on the scales anyway and for that reason I just weighed myself last week after four weeks of fasting 5:2 and lost 3.5 lbs, I'm wondering if I should even bother getting on the scale next month as I don't wan't to be discouraged, and I can hope my clothes just fall off :bugeyes:
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