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Non-diet Chat

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Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 07:09
I could give you 101 excuses as to why I stopped fasting or any form of diet, But what's the point.....I need to lose weight, I need to feel healthier and in my heart I know this is right for me. It's such a mammoth task though and it frightens me. 50 lb is what I need to lose and that seems impossible. I have decided that tues and thurs will be best for me and a weigh in on Sat. I have looked at many many recipes and am ready to start. Wish me luck.........
Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 07:25
@jay52 good luck! :clover: :clover: I also fell by the wayside and whilst I didn't have so much to lose, I got back into it doing 4:3 and lost 5kg in 2 months. Lots of people here have had big loses, so I'm sure you will too, it just takes time.
Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 07:34
*waves* Hallo again and welcome back!
Have you input your current weight in the tracker for your TDEE for fast and feed days? Such a helpful tool.
There's also a Christmas challenge thread that may help encourage you along too.
Good luck, you can do this because it WILL work :0)
Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 07:44
Welcome back @jay52 - perhaps breaking the pounds into small sizable goals might help remove that feeling of being overwhelmed. Visiting the forum daily and learning from everyone has been crucial to my success, so do keep in touch. :clover: :like:
Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 08:55
Hi @jay52 - there are a fair number of people who drift away from fasting and regain, only to return to it because they know that it feels right for them - and they're successful when they reboot.
As per the others, 50lbs is a big number to start off with as a goal - but, if it's broken down into 5 lbs targets, then it's so much more achievable and motivating. You just string several 5 lbs losses together and you're at your goal. (I say this blithely - but there were times when I lost so slowly that I had to break my target down into 3 lbs increments. I've shed 60lbs overall, so, I still got there.)
To echo others, visit the forum often, even if you don't always feel up to posting. It may well help to keep you on-track for what you're doing and sometimes people are discussing items that may be relevant to you and your circumstances. There's always a 'Fasting Today' thread, like today's and that can be helpful on a FD: fasting-today-f8/fasting-today-monday-20th-october-14-t13294.html
Good Luck - any questions, speak up, there are plenty of fasting veterans about this place and there ought to be someone who can assist you or provide a pointer. :clover:
Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 13:31
Hi jay, i'm someone who is always falling down the slippery slope and then trying to claw my way back !
It isn't easy,life situations often get in the way,psychological and physiological factors influence results,but plenty of people on here have reached their goal and are maintaining,or are close to goal - so it IS possible!
I' m reading a book called The Chimp Paradox,which i first heard about here. It states that we all have an Inner Chimp who can sabotage our best efforts! Then the book shows us how to manage our Chimp so we can reach our goals.Hoping this book will help me learn how to stay on track and stop sliding!
Good luck on yr journey,see you en route!x
Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 18:08
Wishing you lots of luck @jay52.

I agree with comments above. Break it into chunks and try and lose half a stone at a time or something like that. Don't just look at 50lb and think it's a mountain to climb. Focus on the end result and picture yourself how you'll be then, how much better you'll feel and how proud of yourself you'll feel. Don't feel overwhelmed by what's in front of you or you'll give up at the first hurdle. Think of all the 101 reasons you want and need to do this. Good luck :clover:

Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 21:51
Can't believe you all took time to answer me. Thank you
Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 22:53
Welcome back and good luck! 50 is totally doable. Just stick with it.
Re: Starting again
20 Oct 2014, 22:57
Aw - we are here! :heart: Good luck with your fast tomorrow, drink LOTS of water and sign up for the Tuesday fasting tread, we will watch out for you. :clover: :cool:
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