The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

47 posts Page 1 of 4
Hello everyone, Can't believe it's already the 20th. Fasting today? I am. Just having a black coffee and then I'm out of the house, to Monday yoga. Garden day today after that, and fish for dinner - or prawns - something from the sea. I wanted mussels but it's the day before pay day so I have to eat out of the freezer.
Morning everybody (or evening) How are you all today, thanks for leading us into our Fast today @Sallyo - as always your evening meal sounds delicious, I would love to have a peek in your freezer! :razz:

It's going to be a fine warm day here in Melbs, the washing is already out flapping in the gentle breeze. I have made a couple of appointments for today so will be kept occupied until a meal tonight of Grilled chicken and some steamed vegies.

Now to go and get ready for the day and finish my cup of black English Breakfast tea.

Happy Fasting everybody :like:

PS I am feeling very well with this Fasting, it's only taken me a whole year to get 'in the zone'!!!!!

Maggie :smile:
Hi @Sallyo and @Maggiee happy fasting day to you both. Yes Maggiee doesnt Sallyo"s freezer sound wonderful. Im so glad you have found your fasting mojo Maggiee.
I have just marinated my tofu for my tofu and vegetable curry tonight, it smells wonderful. Ive been out and done my stair runs and now Im stuck at home waiting for the guys who are going to install my flyscreens, I just hope it doesnt rain as they have to get up on the roof.
Have a great day everyone :grin:
Hi all! I'm not fasting today as its my youngest DS sweet 16 birthday and were going out for dinner so I'll fast tomorrow. I think my dishwasher I'd broken and I'll have to take out all of the weekends dirty dishes and wash them- first world problem!
Good luck to you all.
Hi everyone,

I fasted today as I am heading out to a conference on Weds and had to get two fasts in this week by then. So fasting again Tuesday. I'll see you next week. Have a fine fast and see you then.
@julianna a broken dishwasher is a disaster!!! Hope its nothing serious. Happy birthday to your daughter and have a nice dinner out.
Fasting here too.

Will be a bit challenged today. It was someone in the office's birthday (we know what that means).
And I have the inlaws coming to stay this evening. It will be my first fast with company.

But staying strong so far. Have done my lunch time yoga, will run home, and have planned soup and salad for dinner, so should be able to manage the fast if avoid any extras!

Good luck all.
Hey, @julianna and @wineoclock, did you have snow last week?
I'm in today, too. Two coffees in already. haha. I think I'm having a winged green bean (some weird vegetable they sell here) and shitake stir fry for dinner tonight. My vegetarian friend made it when he and his wife were staying at my place for a few days. It was SO delicious. I tried to repeat it, but got the cooking time for the green beans wrong. I might steam them a bit before I stir fry. hmmm. Also need to find some protein to have along with that. Cottage cheese?

Anyway, good luck Monday fasters! :clover: :clover:
Hi @Sallyo. The upper Mountains had snow. About a half hour drive west. We're both too low for snow.
I'm in when morning gets here. Great weekend at daughters homecoming. So great to see her. Didn't overindulge too much & hiked all over the mountains. I'd like to get another good week in. If the scale would start moving downward, I'd be even happier.
I'm in when I sleep and wake up. I will be doing only 2 fasts this week as on one of my fast days I am going to lunch with some friends. So it will be Mon & Fri fasting and Tue, Wed and Thur 16:8. Hope it works :clover:
Good luck fasting everyone!
Hi all, I'm in. Nearly dinner time and I've been soooooooo good so far! Two other people I work with are 5:2ers and we fast on Monday and Thursday. I am fortunate I have company, it's very encouraging.

Fast, fast and fast some more; it can only lead to good things. :)
Morning from Scotland! Still dark here but not to be too bad a day.

That's the mid term break over and I'm glad to be fasting today. No fasts last week as away on holiday with my daughter and partner. We did have an active week though.......cycling , beach walks and swimming.
Well done everyone who's day is over and a good fast day for all of us just up! :clover: :like:
Lynne. X
I'm in too. Have some prawns and lettuce to keep me going till dinner, which is moussaka.Mmmmmmmm my fave.
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