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Monthly Weigh-Ins

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February 2015 weigh in
28 Feb 2015, 14:41
How was your February? Share your weight loss or maintenance progress here.

I had an up and down month. My maintaining stats:

Entry weight 1st February 64.7kg
Exit weight 28th February 63.7kg
Max 65.2 kg
Min 63.7 kg
Waist though has been fairly stable between 69.5cm and 70cm.
Re: February 2015 weigh in
28 Feb 2015, 15:44
Here's mine

Entry weight Feb 1. 122 lbs
Exit weight Feb 28. 122 lbs
Average. 122.43 lbs, that's about 0.1 lbs better than last month
Heaviest 124 lbs, lightest 122 lbs.

Treading water. Waist from 25.5 to 25.75
Re: February 2015 weigh in
28 Feb 2015, 16:14
I've been hovering round 131 lbs all month.
Re: February 2015 weigh in
01 Mar 2015, 09:16
Horrible month which isn't really reflected in the figures as far too much of it was spent on the high end of the maintenance range :)

Entry weight 1st February 107.4lbs
Exit weight 28th February 107.2lbs

Max 109.6lbs
Min 105.8lbs

Waist range was 23.25-24.75inches.
Re: February 2015 weigh in
01 Mar 2015, 09:35
Well I didn't weigh at the beginning of February (mainly because I went on holiday and felt bloated and blah blah blah lots of reasons0 anyway, I weighed at the beginning of the year and weighed today (1 March):

Jan - 12 stone 7lbs
Feb (end) - 12 stone

Not bad considering I had a naughty couple of weeks :wink:
Re: February 2015 weigh in
01 Mar 2015, 14:13
Lost seven pounds in Feb! So, 1 stone 2 lbs down in 2015 despite a few nibbles at times and my horse being a bit naughty and stubborn heehee!
Well done everyone...even when we dont lose,we do TRY! :like:
Re: February 2015 weigh in
01 Mar 2015, 14:52
Entry: 6 Feb 124.2
Exit: 28 Feb 125.2
Happy with that.
@CandiceMarie @Nursebean - congrats to you both, :like: oh and your ponies :wink: Must make sure my maintaining pony keeps up with yours.
Re: February 2015 weigh in
01 Mar 2015, 15:15
1st Feb 58.6 kg
28th Feb 58.6kg
Highest 59.8kg. Lowest 58.1kg.
Which would be fine, except I'd like to get a bit off my belly, more how I feel rather than the weight though. What range is considered acceptable fluctuation, rather than unhealthy yoyo ing?
Re: February 2015 weigh in
01 Mar 2015, 16:32
Golarne wrote: 1st Feb 58.6 kg
28th Feb 58.6kg
Highest 59.8kg. Lowest 58.1kg.
Which would be fine, except I'd like to get a bit off my belly, more how I feel rather than the weight though. What range is considered acceptable fluctuation, rather than unhealthy yoyo ing?

Well we know that weight can vary by 1kg in either direction at random so a 2 kg range at minimum, not sure of max but would guess at least 3kg? (6.6 lb call it 7lb)
Re: February 2015 weigh in
02 Mar 2015, 12:37
My first wigh-in, if I can even call it that... I had my first FD (and first day of 5:2 diet) on friday 27th. I weighed 75 kg on the morning, but on sunday morning I was actually 76 kg. I kg UP after the first fast... I think it is strange that after only two days on the 5:2 diet, where one day spent fasting, I had actually managed to gain 1 kg!
Re: February 2015 weigh in
12 Mar 2015, 19:46
Hi all,
I didn't see a forum for a March weigh-in, but I'm too excited about my results that I HAD to post somewhere! I started at 163.4 pounds on March 2nd. In only 10 days (4 fast days included), I am down to 157.8 as of today. That seems like a lot for such a short period of time and I am worried that it is mostly water weight. I am down 2 pounds the day after a fast. Is anyone else losing this much so fast? And have you noticed if the weight is actually staying off? Or does it go back up later on?
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