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Hi all,

We're really sorry about the problems some of you have been experiencing when trying to access the forums and/or tracker over the last week. It was brought to our attention at the weekend and Paul our techie has been looking into it and trying to get things back on track.

It's sort of working better at the moment, but if you log out it seems you won't be able to access the forum/tracker and will get an error message. Of course we're still working on sorting this out, but meanwhile if you encounter this problem please use the following link as per Paul's post to log in, and all should be well:

We'll have this sorted just as soon as we can, thank you for your patience and all your helpful feedback.
Seems to be working OK for me at the moment @Moogie

One small niggle :- I was only able to enter my yesterday's weigh in on the tracker this morning ( a good result for once!) but I can't seem to edit it to show yesterday's date - is it possible?
You should be able to change the date by going to your weigh-in data page and clicking the 'edit' button beside that line of data.
If that's not working, is it giving you an error at all, or just doing nothing?
Doing nothing. When I click on 20 in the drop down it just goes back to 21. Not a great problem I just like things to be right.
Will it let you add it as a new entry (with the old date) and then delete the 21st dated one?
No. I tried deleting today's entry and starting again but none of the the date drop downs were responding. I've added a note to say it was yesterday's and am going to leave it. I'm sure you have more pressing things to deal with but thanks for your help
Hi @lil, I noticed the problem you describe in changing dates on the Tracker last year. I could only do an entry for today's date when using my tablet (Kindle Fire HD), but could do an entry for a past date on Windows
Lil wrote: No. I tried deleting today's entry and starting again but none of the the date drop downs were responding. I've added a note to say it was yesterday's and am going to leave it. I'm sure you have more pressing things to deal with but thanks for your help

That's odd, @Lil - can you remind me please what you're using to view the site? (PC, Mac, android device , iphone, ipad etc). I really can't wait to get the new version up and running. Meanwhile if you'd like me to manually edit the entry for you I'd be happy to do so.
Couldn't get on the forum this morning after things appeared to be back to normal yesterday. I use chrome and never log off, I get onto the website lightning fast but when I want to go onto the forum my little arrow just keeps going round and round and round and I eventually get a blank screen with no message. I got on just now but once again I go onto the website lightening fast but when I click to go onto the forum I had to wait and it eventually came up.
wildmissus wrote: Couldn't get on the forum this morning after things appeared to be back to normal yesterday. I use chrome and never log off, I get onto the website lightning fast but when I want to go onto the forum my little arrow just keeps going round and round and round and I eventually get a blank screen with no message. I got on just now but once again I go onto the website lightening fast but when I click to go onto the forum I had to wait and it eventually came up.

Does the forum load more quickly if you go direct to instead of clicking from the main site?
@Moogie, no, it's just the same.
Hi@Moogie, sorry to ask again but you mentioned you would edit @Lil's tracker. I know I keep asking and you're probably very busy, but please will you edit my tracker. I restarted on 13 of april and need to get rid of everything before that. I would love the info on my tracker page to be correct. If you can't change it, please let me know so I can stop nagging :razz: Thanks
P.S. Getting on forum is not as bad but still need to be logged in first.
@justdee Really sorry if I've missed your request for updating your tracker, I thought I was up to date - but to be honest I haven't checked my messages much in the last couple of weeks as I've been poorly (lingering flu bug) and doing the bare minimum so as not to get too behind. I've updated yours for you now :)
Couldn't get onto the forum at all this morning. Same as before getting onto the website but when clicking the forum I eventually get a black screen. Got on quickly to both just now though.
Aww thanks so much @Moogie, now it looks healthy again. Hope the flu has gone now and you're feeling better.
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