The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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It was great to see some activity on this thread last Thursday. I usually fast that day but I was on a work trip and ate more than my fair share; I skipped breakfast but made up for it at morning tea, lunch and dinner. Oh well, back to it today. I made several curries on the weekend, quite lean mainly vegetable based, so will have the leftovers for dinner tonight. Until then black coffee, herbal tea, water and gum. cheers, Wendy
Good luck Wendy! I'm fasting until noon and have just planned all of my meals for the week!
I'm fasting today! I only lost 0.8 pounds at this week's Sunday morning weigh-in - despite two good fasts so I know that I have to cut back on my non-fast days and up the exercise! I suppose I wasn't helped by the large tub os salted caramel ice cream that I pigged my way through on Friday evening! It was delicious though! :pig2:

I am not too bothered about the minuscule weight loss because I have lost a total of 4.9 pounds in the three weeks since I seriously started in my drive to lose the Cruise/January weight! I only have 4.4 pounds to go before I am back to my target of 147 pounds so am over halfway (just)! :grin:

Only black tea today so far. The prep is done for tonights dinner - cold roast chicken, boiled new potatoes, broccoli, carrots and peas, so i am now filling in my time until then by browsing a few web sites, including this one!

Hope everyone's day is going well. Stay strong and avoid the evening munchies! :wink:
hi there! Haven't been on in awhile, have been fasting but sad these boards are so slow now, no fun to post. Thought it might be temporary, but looks like 5.2 has faded as a fad, and now it's just us diehards left. Too bad, I'd like to suggest this as a resource for potential fasters, but it's not active enough. Almost 5 pm here, have had coffee, tea, and a hardboiled egg. I tend to try to wait as long as possible before eating; I don't sleep well on an empty or even hungry tummy.
I don't think that it's a fad, but that people either fell off the wagon or don't need the support anymore. But you should recommend it to people, and you should come post more. The more people post, the more people will post!!
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