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Fasting today?

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Hello, me again!!

Well here I am on my first fast of the week. Last Thursday's fast didn't go as well as I had planned and I ended up 'maintaining' my weight at Slimming World. Well I sure hope this week will be different and am determined to get my fast days right this week. Tonight I shall be indulging in Mornflake Oatbran with coconut milk, a smidge of sugar and an egg - oh and a drizzle of cream on top. Oh boy! I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to that - and I'm still keeping my carbs way down low - woohoo!!

So? Anyone else joining me today?

Bean :starving: :heart:
You're getting serious when oatmeal tastes good. That's one of the cool things about fasting, foods that we usually don't care about suddenly taste as good as a Christmas dinner.
A smidge of sugar? A drizzle of cream? I slice a banana or some other fruit with my oatmeal (porridge) and a little butter usually and a "dab" of salt.
Hi @Nursebean
I love a bowl of porridge too, although I cheat and make it in the microwave. Is your oatmeal made like porridge and eaten warm? And can you tell me how you add the egg? I have heard of adding an egg to porridge but it sounds a bit odd to me. Do you stir the raw egg into the porridge while it is cooking? Or add a cooked (poached?) egg on top of the oats?
Oatmeal, what I tend to do is buy the old fashioned kind not instant, put it in a bowl, add hot water and put it in the microwave and hope it doesn't turn into a volcano. I usually cook it at 1/2 power for four or five minutes. Then stick some butter pieces into it add some milk then slice a banana on top. BUT ,.... last time I added one of those chocolate cocoa packages we use to make a cup of hot chocolate to see what it might taste like and because I've had those things around for a long time now. It was OK but I'll probably just make the oatmeal like I usually do. I've also added other things like blueberries or strawberries. Whatever it takes so it doesn't taste like cardboard. I try not to add sugar to anything. I've never added an egg to oatmeal, I've eaten on the side, that was the standard breakfast when I was in the army, A bowl of oatmeal (or pancakes), a couple of eggs with toast and a couple of slices of bacon. It was usually my favorite meal of the day.
In the US anyway, consider trying Coach's Oats sometime. Better texture and flavor than rolled oats. I use 1/2 cup (118ml) oats with just enough water to cover it, microwave 3 minutes on high, then add any of what's already been mentioned..
I've always loved lumpy things. One of my favourite puddings is semolina - especially if its lumpy - and I used to add egg to that too. @MerryMelb I always crack an egg into my oatmeal while its bubbling away on the stove. Then just stir it in. This time, though, I used coconut milk instead of cow's milk because the carbs are so much lower. The taste was good. I then added 2 tsps of Hermesetas and a tsp of demerara (sheer indulgence) plus cream (more indulgence)!!

All in all I had a terrific fast day!! :-)

Bean :heart:
Thank you @Nursebean!
Thanks to you, today I made porridge- in a saucepan, half cup oats, half cup water, half cup soy milk, shake of salt. Once it was bubbling for a couple of minutes I whisked an egg and then stirred that in quickly with a fork to avoid lumps of egg.
A couple more minutes bubbling and stirring then served with a splash more of milk, LSA sprinkled and a teaspoon of maple syrup drizzled over.
It was delicious! It was my lunch, as breakfast was just a piece of oat / fruit slice that I make (yesterday was a fast day). I feel really full now after the porridge. I am working 2-7pm today so hope that will keep me going until a late-ish dinner.
Thank you for the idea Bean,
Oh @MerryMelb you made my day! I don't think I've ever inspired anyone to do something. Its great isn't it!! I love lumpy things so my egg goes straight in and then stirred! ;-)

Bean :heart:
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