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Fasting today?

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Fasting today Friday August 24
24 Aug 2018, 04:37
It's getting monotonous but here we go again. Anyone else in today? Anyway, all the best to my fellow fasters.
Hi, @josie50! Yes, I'm fasting today. Not one of my usual days but my routine is all over the place this week because I went on a residential, flower-arranging course from Sunday to Tuesday. I don't think that I ate excessively but the wine didn't help so I fasted on Wednesday and am again today. Unfortunately, I went completely mad yesterday and ate crisps, chocolate, biscuits and a whole tub of salted caramel ice-cream (400g size)! :pig2: :pig2: :pig2: That is not like me at all, so I don't quite know what happened but I'm back on it today so fingers crossed for my weigh-in on Sunday!

The time now is just before 4pm and I have been working on my computer most of the day, so that keeps me out of the kitchen - except when I go to make yet more black tea!. I have a good meal to look forward to this evening, with berries for desert, so let's hope that I manage my evening better than yesterday!

I hope that your day is going well and that you can stay strong! Good luck! :clover: :clover: :clover:
Hi Stowgate,

It is 7.15 pm here (Netherlands) and so far my fast day is going well, I hope yours is too. I am highly motivated, because recently I gained 4 kg in 10 days time, due to hypothyroidism (is that the correct word? I mean: thyroid gland working too slowly). And these kgs have disappeared thanks to 5:2 that I swiftly reinstated. Now for some further weight loss, which will enhance my mobility. Wish you good luck with staying strong, I refrained from buying ice cream and such like just to remove any possible temptation. Off for another black coffee, all the best! josie
Thanks, @josie50, my Friday fast was a good one and I resisted the evening 'munchies'.

Like you, I usually avoid having ice cream, crisps, biscuits etc in the house but, while I was away, my husband had stocked the cupboards with all sorts of 'goodies' and, sadly, I discovered them at a weak moment! :cry:

It was my 'weigh-in' day this morning and I have lost a very small amount but given my three days away and one day of over-eating I am just thankful that is wasn't an increase!

I have my daughter and granddaughters coming tomorrow to stay for a few days so I won't be fasting but I will try to be careful of what I am eating and hope to keep my weight constant - then fasting when they leave!

Enjoy your weekend.
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