Is there a way so you can see peoples weight in anything else by KG? It's like another language to me - I only get stones and pounds - be handy if you could swap.
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I don't think you can but the trackers are in lbs.
Actually if you use true weight app, you can change the units from lb to kg to st by pressing your true weight at the top. Just a thought. It's free too.
Actually if you use true weight app, you can change the units from lb to kg to st by pressing your true weight at the top. Just a thought. It's free too.

Hahaha, I think there are 2 odd pounds to a kg but I don't have a clue what a stone is.

stone is 14 pounds and I use internet converter for kg/lbs

Wow, someone said recently they had lost 5 stone, so that is like 35kg.
if I had realised that I would definitely have said congrats.
if I had realised that I would definitely have said congrats.

Yes, a 'stone' is one heck of a rock to be carrying around!

I was wondering if the UK and US have any official plans to change to the metric system. Australia started changing to metric in 1970 but most people still use feet and inches when saying someone's height.

Officially we are metric in the UK! Apart from sticking to miles rather than km. But I don't know how long before the inhabitants of the UK will catch up with officialdom! My 15 year old seems to use stone and kg equally when talking about weight!
I decided to track my weight in kg when I started because it didn't sound so scary as it meant less to me. Now I've got used to it (I think).
I decided to track my weight in kg when I started because it didn't sound so scary as it meant less to me. Now I've got used to it (I think).

I wish we'd go metric. But we can't agree on anything in this country. We'd have to agree to change and I don't see that ever happening.

I just wish the USA would switch to weighing all ingredients rather than using terms like 'sticks' and cups. It's so imprecise and while I could do the conversions, mostly I find another recipe

Winsome wrote: I just wish the USA would switch to weighing all ingredients rather than using terms like 'sticks' and cups. It's so imprecise and while I could do the conversions, mostly I find another recipe
<LOL> Agree completely that multiples of ten beats teaspoons, tablespoons and cups, pints, quarts.
The origin of the meter began with pendulums, moved briefly to being 1 / 10,000,000th of the distance from the north pole to the equator, to a metal bar, to the wavelength of a gas isotope, to most recently the distance light travels in a fixed unit of time. Getting ever closer every time from 1668 to modern day.
I also skip recipes that aren't conveniently measured, but from the opposite shore. No doubt we both miss out on a yummy meal or two. But if the ingredient list 'tastes' interesting, I'll make the effort.

Don't you use measuring cups in the UK? I think it's so much easier to be able to measure something than have to weigh it! I hate when things have serving sizes in grams!

Being an old fogey, I am now sort of used to switching from one to another without any great difficulty. When I was a child and my mother was teaching me how to bake she told me that a rounded tablespoon of flour was roughly 1 oz and it worked quite well. She never had scales so everything was measured by cutlery and liquids in her trusty Pirex jug. Every aircraft in the world flies at altitude in feet and I cannot ever see that change for safety reasons. Not a problem as most folk have no use for heights like 32000 ft etc
Ballerina x

Ballerina x

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