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Chat room
10 Oct 2013, 13:54
I was wondering if there was a way we could incorporate a chat room into the forum so people could talk to those online rather than waiting for post replies. Not entirely sure if it's possible but I was just wondering, I'd love to be able to chat to people who are online without taking up forum post space lol.
Re: Chat room
10 Oct 2013, 14:26
Good idea daydreamer - wonder what others think and, in particular, all those great people behind the scenes that actually run this place and make it all work so well. Moogie, Carorees et al :smile:
Re: Chat room
10 Oct 2013, 14:30
i think thats an awesome idea, a good way of getting support from other members when times are tough
Re: Chat room
10 Oct 2013, 15:01
love the idea too!!

Re: Chat room
10 Oct 2013, 15:10
I've had really mixed experiences with chat rooms on forums, the main problem being that it's hard to moderate the content as it's real time and generally the entire history isn't logged. I'll have to look at what's available, though I have been considering a change of forum software at some point down the line to give us more features anyway!
Re: Chat room
10 Oct 2013, 15:12
Was just a thought, I feel like I take up a lot of forum post space lol I'm a chatty one sometimes. But yes I can understand it would be difficult to monitor. New features would be grand though if you switch forum software xx
Re: Chat room
10 Oct 2013, 15:54
I always aim to please so will see what can be done meanwhile :) Forum post space isn't an issue - we've got plenty of room, and I do like that it's all there for posterity, especially if something amusing (or interesting!) comes up.
Re: Chat room
10 Oct 2013, 16:49
I'm another who would be nervous about an unmodded chat room. In other forums, I have seen a couple of rotten apples make so much drama when they can say what they want without fear of mods warning them, banning them or editing their posts.

We have such a lovely forum, with so many lovely people and so few unpleasant incidents. But we do have just barely enough drama and posts needing moderation that I do worry what would happen if we had an unmodded chatroom.

One thing I have seen work in the past is having a chatroom that is only open for a few hours a week, when a mod is available/willing to open it up and hang out.
Re: Chat room
28 Apr 2014, 13:23
@daydreamer21 noticed this and wanted to tell you some fasting folk talk in real time on Google Hang Out x
Also very glad you brought up the subject of forum space.. I too worried i use too much of it but Moogie has put my mind at rest x :like:
Re: Chat room
28 Apr 2014, 14:38
Good spot Candice.

We have a chat room type thing off site, it's acalled hang out. It's an app and it's also processed by google. Come see us. PM me with your email address when you've loaded the software, app and we can pop you on,
Re: Chat room
28 Apr 2014, 16:48
carieoates wrote: Good spot Candice.

We have a chat room type thing off site, it's acalled hang out. It's an app and it's also processed by google. Come see us. PM me with your email address when you've loaded the software, app and we can pop you on,

I know google hangouts well, Jamie and I use it video chat when Skype decides to act up. I'd totally love to join you guys :grin:
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