The FastDay Forum

Suggestion Box

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Re: Forum Suggestion
19 Jun 2015, 23:46
Yes -' Fasting Windows', would attract me. I'm still 52 for the moment - bit of a 'sliding doors' moment ahead I think :heart: :victory: :wink:
Re: Forum Suggestion
20 Jun 2015, 17:08
Fasting Windows also sounds good to me - sums it up nicely.
Re: Forum Suggestion
20 Jun 2015, 17:35
daisygal wrote: I am doing time restricted fasting. I didn't like 5:2.
Since the name of this website is FastDay, I guess I just took it for granted that all types of fasting were considered equal.
Unless I'm missing something, I see that 16:8, Fast-5 and other forms of time restricted fasting are not considered part of the main forum. That's a shame. A new study just came out on time restricted fasting in the Journal of Cell Metabolism, ... %2900498-7

I think this form of fasting will really take off in the next year. Please give us a main forum too! The Fast-5 facebook group has over 3,000 members (many doing 16:8), so I think you'd have customers!

Hi daisygal! Thanks for the suggestion and the link. Even though those of us who've been here for awhile find the organization of the forums easy to navigate, we need to listen to the perceptions of newcomers. Their perceptions are their reality and we should listen carefully to what they/you say! This big umbrella of fasting strategies is revolutionary and sorely needed in these days of increasing obesity with all the health devastation it brings.
Yesterday I read an article on the huffpost about the same study you are talking about. ... thy+Living
I also followed the link in the article to the abstract. It seemed very promising and, for those who are very interested in avoiding health problems that seem to await us as we age.
In my case, it is Type 2 diabetes and possible heart disease that I am working to avoid. I've been on that borderline for Type 2, sometimes going over it since I experienced gestational diabetes when pregnant at age 39. I was able to control it with diet during pregnancy, and my daughter suffered no complications. :heart: But those fasting glucose numbers have been over the range for many years as my weight went up and stayed up. But now, in total, I'm down 48 lbs. About 15-20 of those lbs. were lost and gained repeatedly. It was only with 5:2 (and zumba :wink: ) that I was able to come down the rest of the way and stay there for more than 2 yrs. And, last week, my fasting glucose was 101! Yay! On the cholestrol, my total number is high, HDL is high, triglycerides pretty low, LDL high. But the ratio is really good--so I just will keep working at it.
Long story short, I'm going to investigate this 4 fasting days+4 fasting days in one month, 2 or 3 times a year to see if it is worth doing, and if it would be doable for me. :geek:
Whatever works for you today, tomorrow, forever! Best of luck. :clover:

Thanks for consideration in this.
Re: Forum Suggestion
20 Jun 2015, 18:03
bordergirl wrote: ... On the cholestrol, my total number is high, HDL is high, triglycerides pretty low, LDL high. But the ratio is really good--so I just will keep working at it.

Congrats on keeping the weight off for 2 years!

As far as cholesterol numbers (ratios) are concerned with the US measurement system there are several that are worth noting:

Triglyceride / HDL : Good is 3.5 and under; Ideal is less than 2.0

Cholesterol total / HDL : less that or equal to 5.0 is Good; under 3.5 is Ideal

HDL/LDL : greater than .3 is Good; greater or equal to .4 is Ideal
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