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20 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: ideas for an announcement
21 Oct 2013, 19:04
@Wendyjane To post a photo stored on your computer, get into the full editor mode (the area with all the little boxes to bold, italicize, tag etc) then scroll down passed the 'save draft' 'preview' 'submit' buttons, you'll see "options" and "upload attachment" click on upload, there is a button to browse, find you pic click add the file, then when screen comes back click the button that says to load image in line. Sounds complicated but it's not just follow the links as you progress. :geek:
Re: ideas for an announcement
21 Oct 2013, 19:40
Thanks, @Betsysgr8. Let's see...

Yeah, I got it, but the two pics I tried were too big - over 512 KB. Gotta figure out how to save a pic as a less dense image. I'll work on that, as I hope to post before and after photos by the end of next month!

I had seen that Upload attachment button before, but I got confused by the "Img" button. Do you know what that one is?
Re: ideas for an announcement
21 Oct 2013, 19:45
I haven't a clue what the "img" button does because it's never done anything when I've tried to use it. Hopefully somebody else can fill us in on the proper use of "img". ;)
Re: ideas for an announcement
21 Oct 2013, 19:49
@wendyjane never used this before either - hope it works!
Re: ideas for an announcement
21 Oct 2013, 20:23

I didn't know either what to do with all those buttons, well, I still don't know :grin:
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