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Last forum weigh in for 2013!
07 Dec 2013, 06:16
I wonder if more people would post their losses if @Carorees post was somehow kept in the main page (most recent topics) where I think most people look at first perhaps as well as the Announcements section as I think you have to go searching for it, so some people who aren't aware that its the monthly/2013 weigh today 7th December may miss out. Just a thought.
Well I've read this too late, no way I'm weighing now after starting on the glasses of prosecco and crackers and Brie.
Hahaha :lol: .Its OK you've got till monday Wineoclock.
I always miss the monthly weigh-ins as well.
Yes Julianna, think you are right, I nearly always miss the weigh in because I don't see the post until too late!
julianna wrote: I wonder if more people would post their losses if @Carorees post was somehow kept in the main page (most recent topics) where I think most people look at first perhaps as well as the Announcements section as I think you have to go searching for it, so some people who aren't aware that its the monthly/2013 weigh today 7th December may miss out. Just a thought.

I've not found a way to do I made it a global announcement. @Moogie can you help?
Great idea Caroline because this weigh in is a really important one as we find out the whole years losses.
I'll have to see if I can include global announcements on the main page (perhaps just for registered users, as otherwise it may all be a bit too much for new users)
There we go, global announcements on the index page :)

And now it's time for dinner!

:like: Thanks Moogie I was wanting to know where to thank you for this rearrangement as it looks great. Hope you enjoyed your dinner :smile:
You did it! now everyone can see it straight away! :like: :like: :like: Gee I think you're clever @Moogie :clover: :victory: :geek: :wink:
Xxx julianna
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