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Google adsense sponsored ads?
23 Feb 2013, 21:34
A friend visited today who is quite a Webby bod and involved in marketing. He suggested I look into adding Google AdSense sponsored links to the forums. I wondered how folks might feel about this? I don't even know if it's really worth doing. Obviously I wouldn't let them overrun the site!
Would be fine, I don't even see them...will buy though your link though.

They are fine on blogs unless they're everywhere.
I have an adblocker on Firefox so I won't see them either.
I thought that might be the case! hence wondering if I should bother including them. It sort of goes against my usual beliefs about ads on sites. I guess I could include an option for members to disable them or only display them to nin registered users.
I have an adblocker too so I wouldn't see them to be bothered by them
is there a way you can do it so that they appear to guest visitors, and they don't appear to members who are logged in? Having said that I'm ad blocked with firefox, so I won't see them either way..
If it is a way of sustaining the forum by generating income for you, then I say go for it!

They do make me laugh, as they "know" just what you like, most sites I go on I get "Landlord Insurance" "Boiler Insurance" and Penis extension pills, it's like they know what you have recently searched!
i like the layout as it is, Ads would mess it up. You'll also end up with ads for Weightwatchers et al I suspect, which may not be desirable. Not to mention raspberry ketones and other snake oil scams.
boboff wrote: ... most sites I go on I get "Landlord Insurance" "Boiler Insurance" and Penis extension pills, it's like they know what you have recently searched!


If it generates revenue then go for it but don't make them too intrusive. I have an ad blocker on the main PC but haven't got around to putting one on the tablet yet (which I'm using now). Nothing makes me leave a website quicker than millions of ads everywhere.
One of the things I like about this forum is the lack of banners and pop up's, so my vote would have to be, keep it as is.
As I've only just managed to get rid of these infuriating ads on other sites, I'm afraid my vote would have to be a No.

Perhaps the Amazon link should be more high profile rather than just on your posting Moogie. I'm sure that people would use it especially if it generates income for the site
There seems to be an ad already? I have a small banner promoting marquees at the bottom of the page...
I thought I'd have a look and see what sort of ads they actually run, but by putting it at the bottom it's pretty out of the way. Just seeing what they're like - not definitely keeping them and may set it up so that they only show for unregistered/un-logged in users.
There's one for "Cut 9lbs of fat using this weird old tip" on there now, went to have a it's not obvious, which is both good (fine for us) and bad (if you want to monetize the site.)

As an aside, I hate those ads with a vengeance on FB and always delete them using bad it's a bit like Ryanair having Easyjet ads in their Adchoice, goes on the keywords, I suppose.

It's a difficult one, I think Martin Lewis manages this best with his links and explanations. I don't like some of the blogs where it suddenly becomes a different font and they have new toys to play with and advertise (tend to read cooking blogs.)
Apparently the ads take a few days to become relevant in their content, though I do hate that 'weird old tip' ad. There's probably a way I can tell it not to include certain ads, once it's had a chance to get some data together at the Google end.

We'll see, it's just an experiment at the moment and it doesn't sit completely right with me - although I'm not so adverse to the idea of there being ads for unregistered visitors (possibly with a message encouraging them to sign up to avoid the ads).

Problem is, once our friend had mentioned the possibilities with adsense my husband was quite insistant about me 'having' to include the ads - which generally isn't like him, but he puts such stock in what this friend says >.<;;
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