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5:2 Diet Recipes

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New vegetable ideas; A is for?
25 Jan 2014, 12:49
Prompted by @sue.q's enquiry about Celeriac and @callyanna's aversion to avocado, I thought we could go round the world with veg recipes in alphabetical order.
With such an internationally diverse crewe, we should build up a nice database of veggie suggestions in alphabetical order!!
I'll start us off with aubergine.
I love aubergine in all its forms, but here is one of my most favourite (and simplest) of ideas:

Aubergine curry

Aubergine, 100 grams 15 cals
Tomatoes fresh (though yu can use tinned) 100 g 18 cals
Onions chopped 50 g 21 cals
Ginger root - peeled and grated, 1 tsp 2 cals
Garlic, 2 Cloves, chopped 8 cals
Green Pepper, half chopped/deseeded 13 cals
Fresh Green Chilli, deseeded if wished + chopped, 5 cals
Pepper, white, 0.5 tbsp
Chilli Powder (Mild), 1/2 tsp
Generic - Ghee, 1 tablespoon or oil approx. 100 cals
Total approx. 200 cals

Throw it all in a wok and cook for a few minutes!! Sprinkle with some fresh coriander (cilantro) if wished.

Over to you for some more A ideas, though calorie counts are optional - it's the ideas that count!!
Artichokes - marinated in a jar 99p from Aldi - turns a dull salad into a lush one :grin: And nice on a platter of cold meats.
Asparagus, green or white. I love eating them on their own, cold, grilled with poached eggs or in a risotto
Arugula, also known as rocket salad in the uk!

I love it on pizza, in salads or my personal fave is to blend it with oil, garlic and pine nuts (and cheese if you eat it) to make pesto, delicious!
A is for Asian greens like bok choy and pak choy

for the gardeners amongst us, they are soooooooooooooooooo easy.

Got some Boy choy seedlings growing (from seed). will be adding them to my stir fries and soups in about 4 weeks! will post a pic of the veges and dishes once ready.
Smoked aubergine dip, so so delicious. I have tried to make it a couple of times but it is so easy to buy and always good here that I've given up. Must master it though cos I will want it when we go home.
Aubergines roasted either in the oven or over a barbie/gas flame until soft. Peeled and the pulp mashed with garlic, lemon juice salt and pepper and no doubt some special secret ingredient. Olive oil drizzled over the top and a sprinkle of sumac or smoked paprika.
Yummy with halloumi or Arabic bread.
Turned into baba ganoush by adding chopped tomatoes, maybe cyboes/spring onions/scallions and perhaps chopped cucumber and green peppers. Garnished with anir seeds ( ponemagrit)
janeg wrote: Moutabel!
Smoked aubergine dip, so so delicious. I have tried to make it a couple of times but it is so easy to buy and always good here that I've given up. Must master it though cos I will want it when we go home.
Aubergines roasted either in the oven or over a barbie/gas flame until soft. Peeled and the pulp mashed with garlic, lemon juice salt and pepper and no doubt some special secret ingredient. Olive oil drizzled over the top and a sprinkle of sumac or smoked paprika.
Yummy with halloumi or Arabic bread.
Turned into baba ganoush by adding chopped tomatoes, maybe cyboes/spring onions/scallions and perhaps chopped cucumber and green peppers. Garnished with anir seeds ( ponemagrit)

JaneG .. havent you missed the Tahini sauce.

bought 3 amazingly large Aubergines (or eggplants here) today for just that.. baba ganoush.
we also add cumin seeds ground.
I would have picked artichokes too, especially those marinated chargrilled ones. Fabulous in a salad. But lets go for Acorn Squash and chickpea curry. I think I'd make it tomato based with onions, garlic, ginger, onion seeds, mustard seeds, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, chilli flakes or fresh chillis. Tin of tomatoes, tomato puree and a bunch of coriander.
Probably Juliana! like I said, I buy it but will master it and check out a proper recipe!
No recipe to add but just wanted to say great thread idea Penny! ...(and aren't the dratted av***dos fruit anyway? :razz: 0
I love love love aubergines in Baignan Bharta - Aubergine and potato curry ... harta.html

I also love asparagus, tossed in just a drizzle of olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper, then roasted in a hot oven until started to brown (time depends on how thick the stalks are).

Avocados can be made into a superfast version of guacamole if you have a nice fresh salsa on hand - just mash up an avocado and then add a spoonful or two of salsa until you have the taste/texture you want :-)

Artichokes - I love the classic - steamed and then drenched in butter. But I buy frozen artichoke hearts to add to pasta sautees too.
I bought an aubergine earlier this week and have been steadfastly ignoring it every time I open the fridge because of lack of inspiration so THANK YOU, PennyForThem.... I now know what I shall be making tomorrow for my fast day dinner :like:
1/2 Avocado with lemon and grind of pepper and a teaspoon ... enjoy

1/2 Avocado with a dollop of good quality mayo and pepper again enjoy on its own yum
I love sliced augergines in a very garlicky tomato and basil sauce sprinkled with a few breadcrumbs and a generous topping of parmesan. Bake this until the topping is nicely crisp.

Avocados, though fruits, are lovely in a smoothie with kiwi fruit, lemon juice, natural yoghurt and spirulina.

Last week I had a granny smith apple cut in pieces mixed with Brussels sprouts cut in half. I put 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp olive oil, herbes de provence, salt, pepper and in the oven for 25 minutes and it was soooooooo good..... I had it with a grilled sausage but I think it would have gone very well with grilled black pudding as well
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