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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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Hi everyone!

Bean reporting in! I'm actually doing another fast. My first in a few weeks but I really need to do something.

Not sure what I'm going to have tonight - but nothing except coffee and cream has passed my lips so far! ;-)

Anyone joining me today?

Bean :heart:
I hope your fast day went well!!
Hi @cblasz!

I had a great fast day yesterday. Ended up with exactly 500 cals - and just 29g carbs roughly(!) Very pleased with that.

I'm tempted to revert back to my ADFing. I am desperate to shift my excess baggage!

Have you bean fasting lately?

Bean :heart:
That sounds like you had a great day!

I've been doing 16:8, but recently have started a semi-fast on Thursdays, where I don't eat lunch and don't eat until around 3. I eat between 500-800 calories that day. I lost the holiday weight, but seem to have come to a stand still, so I'm trying to figure out what I need to do!

Good luck if you do ADF, I could never do that!
Oh well done on losing your holiday weight - that's not always easy is it!!

I dug out my old EOD (Every Other Day) book yesterday and it made for an interesting read. I think I'm going to give it a go. That way, I won't have to worry about 'dieting' EVERY day - just every other! ;-) (its supposed to be super healthy too!) Given that I am more aware of keeping low carb, I'm hoping I should shift my ridiculously gained weight - faster than I thought I would

Watch this space!!...

Bean :heart:
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