The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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I'm sheepishly posting here. My day was going well until I got invited to lunch. I had a portobello mushroom sandwich. I'll have a VERY light dinner (I'm thinking steamed zucchini) and probably still come in under 600. Considering how off the rails I've been lately, this counts a success, I think. Anyway... off to the gym now so I can feel virtuous about something...
I'm fasting today also. It is hard when invited out to lunch. Good luck. :clover: :clover:
It is hard when eating out especially on fast days,but you still need to enjoy life. Today is not a fast day for me but we went out for breakfast and it was a cafe we hadn't been to before,I loved all the different things on offer.
I had a dish they called mad about lentils,it was lentils cooked crunchy bacon spinach and asparagus with a poached egg on top,very very nice and no BREAD I was full all day,going out to dinner tonight but I worked 3 hours cleaning then took English stuffie grand doggie for a walk for an hour
Wow, this new site for sure is different.
I wonder if I did manage to start a new topic here!!?

To report. I am still seriously window fasting 21/3. And after 2 weeks of this - after the initial loss - I am beginning to lose again :smile: .
I now weigh 57.6 kg. What my BMI is I do not know. I could not find it in the new tracker.

This is quite stress full for me - that everything is so different.
But, boy, an I glad to be back in here - after some cookie removal, courtesy of my better half.

I keep on now every day at this until my weight becomes more reasonable.
It doesn't seem to have started a new thread, but I'll continue on to say that I am fasting today. Trying to get back into the swing of things after a long weekend. It's about time for a miso soup!
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