The FastDay Forum

Non-diet Chat

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We're not going out :o
I'm on a fast day and hub is on a calorie controlled diet.

Might have steak and celeriac chips!

Are you celebrating - if so, how?
Like you we are fasting here. At the risk of sounding a 'grumpy old woman' we are not keen on the commercialisation of days like this. My lovely other half often buys me flowers or other treats so we don't need valentines day for that. Have had a delicious home cooked dinner tonight, and pud too! Back on fast now though.
Not going out or buying any flowers, chocs or anything but hoping to have a nice meal and I am going to make some heart-shaped treats. Not sure what to eat or what treats but as I'm fasting today I'll think about that tomorrow!
I hope my son and daughter will cook us a meal. They did 2 years ago, that was I expect spag bols ;)
Out for breakfast together. We live apart so its a rare and lovely chance to be together on V day, and have some time while boys are at school.
Fasting tomorrow. Long distance with my Aspie partner so not expecting anything tomorrow :).
Fasting! :D

We're not into Valentine's day in any big way. Well, not since we were teenagers anyway, and that's a long time ago now!
Fasting for me too and I'm looking forward to it after pigging out tonight!
Fasting tomorrow.....but will cook roast chicken for rest of family....if I manage to keep lunch to about 100, will aim to have a slice with some veg...:(
iPad failure again yesterday :!:
Not celebrating valentines day as such.....our wedding anniversary and sons birthday so lots of cakes and goodies to look forward to. ;) Should be fasting today but did it yesterday instead, on account of lots of Shrove Tuesday pancakes and today's celebrations. :?
Will be glad when this weeks over with. Still can't help feeling guilty about eating "normal". Then I will hopefully stick to Monday's and Thursday every week.

Have a nice day everyone
Just had some little heart-shaped orange cakes that I made for OH and I to share over morning coffee...he was touched :-D

He gave me a red rose.

That's as far as we'll go to celebrate Valentine's day!
Fasting today. Wasn't going to but DH is working late and our kitchen is out of action. Kitchen will be back in working order tomorrow hopefully so we'll celebrate then.
Fasting - but salmon, lots of veg and (a little) couscous for dinner, followed by meringue nest, 25g cornish ice cream & pineapple! No wine though - that's tomorrow!
arghhh today I will be over 300cal of my 2000cal. Tomorrow will eat 300cal less then :) It's gonna be so tasty spag Bolognaise, Brownie and choc souffle...:D or It's the occasion to do a third fast day. Husband starts Saturday so might do it on that day too. Yippee
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