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I thought I would throw this out there because there is such a wealth of information. I live alone and hate to run to the doctor with every ache and pain, so I need to bounce this off someone to see if I need to get it checked out!

I've been having a tingling sensation in my leg. Mostly in the thigh area. This has been going on a couple of weeks. It's not constant. At first it was just at night, now it's a bit more during the day. It tends to come and go.

I went skiing a few weeks ago and also have some pain in my shoulder. I'm thinking maybe it's a nerve issue?

Has anyone experienced this and know what it might be?

Thank you!
I get a lot of muscle twitching in my legs but not tingling. It sounds, perhaps, like restless leg syndrome, if it gets really bad or starts disrupting your life I'd have it checked out. Taking magnesium has helped my twitching muscles but as I say, tingling may be very different. Good luck with it and do let us know how it goes.

Ballerina x :heart:
Thanks! Maybe it's the fat burning off!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Unfortunately, it's just one leg though! :razz:
I think you should probably get it checked out. It could be an indication of a trapped nerve in your spine. Possibly you twisted awkwardly or something during the skiing trip. I'm sure your doctor would rather you visited with something minor than waited in case it became serious!
I agree with Carorees. It sound very like the pains my husband has had, and he has been diagnosed with sciatica. Physiotherapy, just a few sessions, has made a huge difference to him.
Hi @cblasz Is the feeling on the side of the thigh? It sounds like meralgia paresthetica, due to entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. It can be caused by tight clothes, obesity, pregnancy. I actually had it myself (and I was NORMAL weight at the time :grin: ) It eventually went away and I don't know what caused it. Here is a link about it but you should probably get it checked out. ... n-20030852
Thanks everyone. I'm typically a very healthy person, but in the last year I keep getting these strange things. I had costo chondritis which is an inflammed rib, with no explanation, was very painful and made it hard to breathe! Then in the fall I got a blood clot in my leg (from the pill they think) and now this!! It's just annoying!
Hi @cblasz, where exactly in your leg is the tingling? And does anything bring it in or make it better? And you've been skiing, I'm very jealous! But exactly where is your shoulder pain?
It's mostly in the thigh, I guess closer to the outside. It's worse at night. It seems to feel better if I straighten it out or rub it. My legs were VERY sore when I skiied because I was out of practice, but it's been a few weeks and I would think it would be both legs if that were the case.

My shoulder feels a little better today. But it hurts mostly when I raise it. So, I guess where it connects with my collar bone.
Hi @cblasz, yes, well you know my standard disclaimer, "I can only give information of a general nature, but if you have any specific concerns about your individual situation you should see your own doctor (end quote). But I agree with Judithn then, if it's down the outside of your thigh, and it may feel like someone's poured cold water down it,and is generally in the same place and doesn't move around, then yes, it does sound like meralgia paraesthetica, a nerve entrapment in the groin. It's the second most common nerve entrapment after carpal tunnel syndrome. With my Pilates hat on, it's treatable by stretching out through the groin area, particularly through your internal oblique muscle.

Your shoulder sounds a bit like a supraspinatus tendinitis, part of your rotator cuff, often caused by carrying heavy bags, or by throwing, or I imagine, jamming your stock in the snow, or falling on it? Is it painful over the tip of your shoulder? Or if you have injured it with more force, a fall in an outstretched arm or fallen harder on it, it could be a subluxation of your a-c joint (acromioclavicular) - in this case it will be painful over the top of your shoulder if you press on the end of your clavicle (collarbone). Small subluxations don't require treatment, but may be painful for ages, so you might need to see your doctor. If it's the former (supraspinatus tendinitis), it would respond positively to a spikey massage ball between you and a wall right over the point of your shoulder (standing side on to the wall). Do google these conditions to see if it sounds like you! Or see your friendly local GP!

Good luck!
Thank so much! The shoulder doesn't really concern me, I'm sure that will heal with time, but I thought maybe that could be having an effect on my leg somehow. I think I'll see how it goes the next day or 2. My aunt is a nurse and I'm seeing her on Sat. so I may ask her what she thinks and if it's still a problem, maybe I'll go to the walk-in on Sunday!

I appreciate all the information!
I too have a numb, shivery feeling in my outer right thigh. I did try looking it up on the NHS Direct site and was advised to call an ambulance straight away!!! Knew this was not the right thing to do as I did not feel it was life threatening.
I find it is worse at night especially if I lay on my right side.

Thank you [/tag]@Jools7, I will look into those exercises. It's nice to be able to put a name to it and exercises to help.

Mine is getting a little better. I have found it very hard to find information online about a medical condition when you don't know what it is. Once you do know, then you can find lots! I hope yours gets better soon too!
Will go and do some reseach now I know what I am looking for.

I didn't go to my GP as I don't like to bother them with minor illnesses. There are so many people with serious conditions that need their time.

Thank you for posting this question. :heart:

A disc in your spine may be jamming a nerve that runs through your leg and or your shoulder through strain or injury.
Few years back now, I was moving mini fridges in a motel and not long after, I was having pins, needles and tingling sensation shoulder to finger tips in the left arm, no pain in my spine, but I discovered bone spurs on c7 cervical area of spine. I healed after about 7weeks after having treatment and neck traction.

Hope your symptoms get resolved soon.
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