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Non-diet Chat

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Fab weather to lift all our spirits at last! I don't know if it's the 5:2 or the weather but I feel really positive. This morning I got up and went out for a ride before breakfast. Normal? It's the first time in 6 years that I've sat on this particular pony. :D Good times. I feel very aware that in my late fifties I have to keep going.
Then out to enjoy a great lunch with some of the family gathered together. No guilt for tomorrow we fast!
Hope you enjoyed the spring taster too.
We had a walk along the prom this afternoon and then fish and chips on the pier. Superb!! :D
I was working yesterday and finished at 5pm ... to sunshine!!!
I work alternate weekends and two weeks ago I was coming out to darkness. Yesterday it was bright blue sky and sunshine, although only for about half hour but its amazing how different you feel. At least we are going in the right direction for summer, yippee!
The weather is absolutely lovely here today, blue skies and sun shine, I'm sitting with the back door open, a first for ages.. :)
Had 3 hours of sheer joy gardening - will pay by having 3 days of back ache!
Let's hope not Monty! I must get into the garden too. There is loads of tidying up to do as the wet autumn set in before I got it sorted. It's such a great time of year though isn't it? Got my sweet peas planted should be germinated any day now.
Listened to the sounds of lawns being mowed all afternoon...definite sign of spring!
Hi Gillb, pain is always worth it. My darling husband has finally built me a potting shed. He's going to get electric into it so that I can have hot beds and lighting to bring things on. I haven't dared start off anything just yet. Too wet and too cold here in Jarrow. Enjoy your garden and your fasting. Monty
Hmm I feel cheated now, we only had about 2 hours of almost sunshine then cold and clouds, I'm so looking forward to spring, used to be that winter was my favourite time of year, starting to go off it now :)
Spring... sunshine .... how I love it.... I'm a real sunny weather lass 8-) everything looks so much better when the sun is shining :D
Monty wrote: Hi Gillb, pain is always worth it. My darling husband has finally built me a potting shed. He's going to get electric into it so that I can have hot beds and lighting to bring things on. I haven't dared start off anything just yet. Too wet and too cold here in Jarrow. Enjoy your garden and your fasting. Monty

Thanks Monty, hope the pain is not too great. A potting shed would be a bonus. The only reason I have started sweet peas is that they are hardy and will withstand the NE weather. I grow them every year.
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