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5:2 Diet Recipes

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New vegetable ideas: E is for?
24 Apr 2014, 14:13
I think it must be time to explore vegetables beginning with E!

I'm going to cheat and say 'eggplant' and say please refer back to the aubergine recipes in the first of these veg ideas threads! I love eggplant/aubergine.

What else is there apart from eggplant though?

Edamame (not tried you recommend it?)
Endive (my Mum used to use it and I remember it being really bitter)

What else?
Escarole? ( a type of endive) :?: x and yeh edamame beans are nice! X had then from M n S in a little pot with mange tout i think..can't remember what else was in the mix..
A good way of eating endive is to eat it braised. I chop it in four lengthwise, season and fry it in a few drops of olive oil then braise it over very low heat, turning it regularly. This takes about 20 minutes. The core of the endive must be tender. I then add the juice of one orange (for about four endives) and keep cooking until the juice has reduced. This takes away the bitterness. You can also add a teaspoon of honey which will caramelise a bit at the end of cooking. I tend to eat it as a side dish with any sort of white meat or poultry.
I buy podded edamame beans and they're very handy from the freezer for use instead of peas.
The only other one Larousse lists under E is eddo, but is sufficiently unimpressed, it seems, by their taste, which it describes as 'insipid'.

I think we might be moving swiftly on the 'F'!!!
Another popular French salad idea for endive is to chop it up raw and mix it with diced beetroot (or apple), squares of cheese (gruyere but any hard cheese will do), some chopped walnuts and dressing.
Extra fine French beans.
Sorry haven't the foggiest.
Elephant garlic.
Everlasting spinach - I used to grow it, very useful
And since we're struggling with E ;- Everyday value Tesco frozen veg made into a veg curry, with an egg cracked in it - yummy mid week lowish carb supper
Edamame beans are lovely @carorees. Especially with a little salt. Great in stir fries. They are kind of like broad beans, but a little sweeter and more tender.
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