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The Foodies Corner

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strange but i loved porridge and even started a thread on it here.

now i cant stand it. thought it might have been the way i prepared it but no matter what i do just cant get into it.

same goes for ...
stewed prunes.
certain types of noodles in soups

weird how your tastes change.

anyone have something they dont like any more that they use to indulge in.
Not yet.......but I live in hope!!!

Equally, I haven't started liking anything that I never used to like.....

Guess I am a real creature of habit!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Hazelnut20 wrote: Not yet.......but I live in hope!!!

Equally, I haven't started liking anything that I never used to like.....

Guess I am a real creature of habit!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

I never used to like soda water on its own (needed lemon juice at least) but now i love it.
Years ago i couldnt shell prawns now i dont mind.

I never liked vegemite and i never will
I never like tea (English or green) and i never will
I never liked snails nor did i try and i never will
I was also a porridge addict, no more. I used to make it with milk and sweeten with honey.
Not so bothered about wine now either which is a big thing living in France!
Well, I still love porridge. I still like most things that I always have, but a little does me now instead of needing it all.

But one thing I have discovered I like that I didn't think I did - thick natural yoghurt...especially the Greek variety. I was so used to the sweetened stuff, I thought the natural was too sharp. How wrong I was! Now I'm making my own and becoming a bit of a connoisseur! :drool:
PeonyBlue wrote:
But one thing I have discovered I like that I didn't think I did - thick natural yoghurt...especially the Greek variety. I was so used to the sweetened stuff, I thought the natural was too sharp. How wrong I was! Now I'm making my own and becoming a bit of a connoisseur! :drool:

Yeah i love exploring the many tastes of yoghurt. I reckon its much more varieties in yoghurt than wine!

I started making yoghurt too (or OH did) but we stopped while getting new kitchen together. that's accomplished so you just reminded me about getting out my yoghurt maker. Though will still try different shop bought ones too. But i never buy those fruit laden ones as the fruit is always so artificial.

and why why why when i find a variety of something i really like they remove it from production. used to be a great muesli /honey yoghurt in Woolworths but no longer
I love making my own yogurt too. Don't like the store bought stuff anymore. I have also lost my taste for French fries & fried potatoes. Those used to be daily foods. I've discovered that I don't need to eat at night anymore I like how I feel when I don't eat as often. Never thought I'd see the day!
oh my goodness, @MLCDz Mary Lynn, wish I could lose my taste for french fries (hot chips here)!!

But I now can't face muesli after a fast day, which is just as well, as I need to start off low-carb or my sugars go a little too high for my liking - although they've been pretty amazing over the last few weeks, like high 3s to high 4s (that's about 60-80 mg I think) - pretty stunning, haven't been that good since diagnosing myself nearly 14 years ago now.

And I've developed a taste for black coffee and chewing gum on fast days. Never been a coffee drinker at all - but now one good Melbourne long black per day to sip (not gulp!) is all it takes. How strange this fasting thing is!!
I'm with you on the porridge, bleugh! I love oats in other formats, but just not in porridge.

I used to eat a lot of puddings, but I went out for dinner and shared a pud with my husband, and he ate most of it, as I only fancied a couple of mouthfuls.

Also, sugar in coffee, I weaned myself off that intentionally, and I've only not missed it in the last few days.
@jools7 - I think sugarless gum has been my salvation since I started 5:2. I found a brand called Yum Yum on Amazon that has amazing flavors like salted caramel and cherry cheesecake. They're pretty tasty at 2:30 on a fast day!! I have started chewing some while I prep dinner for the family every day. I realized I was picking too much during prep time...

Hoping I can get my sugars as good as yours! They're much better, but I still have mornings when they are sky high (over 200 mg), so I have to figure that one out. Overall trend is much better and I have a little app called Diabetes Journal (google play) that is keeping me informed. The mindfulness part of 5:2 is really educational and helpful. I'm just happy I can ride the hunger waves and get through my fast days.

Still haven't lost my taste for cheeseburgers though...waiting for some Willy Wonka-esqe person to invent that flavor gum! :neutral:
oh yay, yay, Mary Lynn @MLCDz, so glad it's going well for you in general! I LOVE it when fellow-people-with-diabetes are on the fasting journey with me! Sorry, getting a bit off-topic here but yes, those high morning sugars can be a bit of a trip, mine were due to the "dawn phenomenon" - but they do seem to have settled since a couple of months into fasting. I will look for that app too, that sounds useful. I always say I need to find an endocrinologist (don't have one at the moment) who knows more about diabetes than I do - but they're getting harder to find!

I love the mindfulness aspect of fasting too - I think I've learnt more about my eating dynamics than ever, still sorting some of them. Like the tiredness (eating when tired instead of factoring in other strategies) and the menopausal rage that I get sometimes when frustrated, and eating to calm myself down - as I say, still working on those ones!
jools7 wrote:

I love the mindfulness aspect of fasting too - I think I've learnt more about my eating dynamics than ever, still sorting some of them. Like the tiredness (eating when tired instead of factoring in other strategies) and the menopausal rage that I get sometimes when frustrated, and eating to calm myself down - as I say, still working on those ones!

so so true what you say. Fasting is different to every other diet somehow. Eating windows and eating days dictates not just what we are eating but should we be eating it Now. And from that why are we putting anything in our mouth at that moment.
jools7 wrote: I love the mindfulness aspect of fasting too - I think I've learnt more about my eating dynamics than ever, still sorting some of them. Like the tiredness (eating when tired instead of factoring in other strategies) and the menopausal rage that I get sometimes when frustrated, and eating to calm myself down - as I say, still working on those ones!

Yep, you said it! I had a bad morning--it's my fast day--and found myself wanting to eat much earlier than usual; thank goodness I realized what was really going on: I was looking to self-soothe via food. And this is from someone who INSISTED she didn't use food that way... :shame:
I still love chocolate but had a weird experience the other day. I was at Aldi's looking at the chocolate and thought, "Nah, I don't want any". I live only about 3 kms from Aldi's so while it's true I didn't need to buy any as I can buy it any time, I would not normally look and not buy. Progress I think.
Porridge is one of those things I only want when I crave it, which is not often. I love it then, but can otherwise leave it.

As for the original question: anything overly sweet is unappealing to me now.
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