The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Anyone fasting right now?
06 Dec 2014, 01:02
Like, RIGHT NOW? Holla!

I'm pretty hungry/ansy/procrastinating ish.

Could use someone to chat with :)
Re: Anyone fasting right now?
06 Dec 2014, 02:12
Hello and welcome sourbaby!
I am not fasting but if you keep an eye on the forum, everyday there is a new topic 'fasting today' with the date so that people can provide support to each other. It is rare that there is a day that someone is not fasting, so good luck and stay strong! There is a fasting thread for today, so get in there, it is Sassy in Australia who is fasting.
Re: Anyone fasting right now?
06 Dec 2014, 20:18
Hi @sourbaby
Sorry I didn't see your post yesterday - I had a very busy day and was out and about and didn't have a chance to go online til very late, but then I still did not see your post til this morning :(
Hope you managed ok. Weekends are not a popular fasting time, but I sometimes do Saturday because I have a busy day which means it is relatively easy not to eat til late.
Saturday may also be a quiet time for people on the forum, so you might not get immediate response to your plea for help! Have a look at 'new posts' to see if there is much activity.
Consider getting a fasting buddy, someone who is likely to be online at a similar time, and you can always PM them for support. You probably could PM anyone who is online and active - everyone is here to support each other. :)
Again, sorry we weren't around to help. :clover: :clover:
Re: Anyone fasting right now?
07 Dec 2014, 10:25
I also never saw your thread yesterday. I was fasting yesterday. I don't normally fast on a Saturday but the way my week had gone I needed a good fast. The last few fasts that I have done haven't been great as I've been nibbling but yesterday despite it being a struggle I managed a liquid only fast - herbal tea and water during the day and a milky hot chocolate in the evening to put me to sleep (instead of wine :oops: ). I felt really chuffed with myself that I had done it.

How did you get on?
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