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Fasting on Thursday, March 23
23 Mar 2017, 10:14
Hello, I have not written for a while because not much change in my weight. And then I was without a connection for a couple of days. The lowest I have been these last few days is 60 kg. However I do not seem to get below that magic line. Why not?? I eat the same as I have done other Lenten fasts. On those other times I have started losing weight after a fortnight. But why not this time??? Sigh. Well, eating fewer times a day does other good things to one, so I ought to be pleased about that. I do feel rather good in myself. :grin: But frustrated about my lack of weight loss :razz:
Hi @Margotsylvia

I understand your frustration! Unfortunately (?) the body is not the sort of "machine" that will react to the same treatment in the same way every time. There could be many reasons why you aren't losing weight.

But it is great that you are feeling the benefits of not eating so much. I do think it is important to feel good and commend oneself for behaviours you can have direct control over - such as what you eat - rather than outcomes you cannot - such as how much weight you lose.

So keep up the healthy eating habits and try to worry less about what is happening with your weight! (Maybe about 60kg is the weight your body feels it should be...)

Best wishes. :clover: :smile:
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